Author Thread: Divorce and dating

Divorce and dating
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 04:54 PM

So one thing I have noticed when viewing profiles in my age range is that practically everyone is divorced, which really narrows my pool of prospects.

I can not get past Matthew 5:32. For that reason I don't look at dating anyone who is divorced.

I would like to hear other peoples view on this topic.

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Divorce and dating
Posted : 21 Nov, 2010 05:54 AM

Paul was married? But in the Bible, there was no record about Paul was married. I have no idea about the bible history, to be honest.

I gotta say that I shared it not for condemnation, like I said I was uncertain about it.. That was just me, and I am not God.

But after posting it, it did come to my mind that better to remarry rather than sinning (just like Paul said), like committing adultery or even worse suicide. I know no Christian ever wants a divorce. And I know it is never easy.

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Divorce and dating
Posted : 21 Nov, 2010 01:38 PM

Thanks for all the replies.

TwoSparrows. I have to agree with you. I see a difference between forgiveness and consequences. One can be forgiven, but that doesn't mean they are allowed to remarry. Kind of like Moses, he was forgiven for striking the rock twice, but still had consequences of not being allowed to go into the land with the people.

PJ, why ask if I am a Jew? (the answer is no).

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