Author Thread: Knowledge

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Posted : 15 Aug, 2008 09:38 AM

1 Corinthians 8----- Kowledge puffeth up.

I've seen this verse thrown around a lot in some of the posts I've been reading. Mainly by people using it to hurt another child of God.This should not be! Why try to make someone who is sharing a spiritual truth feel bad and feel they are doing something wrong? It is jealousy that causes us to try to "outdo", seem "more spiritual", look "more enlightened",

"appear" more righteous than another. Why the NEED to fit in, be the one on top, always be right ?

Should we not strive to increase in our knowledge of Christ and spiritual things because someone accuses us of being "puffed up" ? God Forbid !

Some people will always be ever learning and never able to come to the "KNOWLEDGE" of the Truth.

Knowledge of God's Word is a good thing. Don't turn it into something not to be desired, by using Knowledge puffeth up to accuse the brethren.


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Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 04:17 PM

1 Corinthians 9 (Contemporary English Version)

19I am not anyone's slave. But I have become a slave to everyone, so that I can win as many people as possible.

20When I am with the Jews, I live like a Jew to win Jews. They are ruled by the Law of Moses, and I am not. But I live by the Law to win them.

21And when I am with people who are not ruled by the Law, I forget about the Law to win them. Of course, I never really forget about the law of God. In fact, I am ruled by the law of Christ.

22When I am with people whose faith is weak, I live as they do to win them. I do everything I can to win everyone I possibly can.

23I do all this for the good news, because I want to share in its blessings.

It is not a sign of weakness in faith to take oneself to a different level when witnessing or sharing the word of God. We should also not take offense when a brother or sister consuls in particular statements that are made. It is part of fellowship and being a disciple of the Lord. For isn't the root word for "discipline" "disciple"?

I respect everyone who participates on the forums. It is an exercise our walk with God. It causes us to see the world and search the scriptures to spread and gain knowledge. I have posted items on a secular site in their religious forums. Very brutal. It makes one appreciate the feeling of unity on this site. I feel that, if anything, this site gives one a chance to develop a greater walk with the Lord. Who is not a true friend if they see something that may cause confusion in your spiritual life and is compelled by the Holy Spirit to correct you. We as brethren should never feel as if we are being judged. Yes, and sometimes we may have to step back and evaluate what we mean to say.

I am thankful of you all, from those who have been here the longest to those who are fresh. We all take the opportunity to share subjects we wouldn't share with our closest friend or relative. It is much of a relief to find answers not biased to physical connections. We are connected through the Spirit.

I mean no piety in things I post. I hope that some of the sites I reveal help everyone in their spiritual life. If you really want to test your faith, go to You Tube and reference some of the atheist postings there. Try to sit and watch without anger, learn how those not in Christ think, exercise your Spirit and know that these are ones you will run into one day. You will have their answers on why they don't believe, it will be you task to know the questions they will ask so you will have convictions in the answers you shall provide. Our battles are not within these confines, but out there in the world.

I'll let you in on a clue. They are tired of hearing the term "God's Plan". The true answer is we are all sinners, and God gave us "Free will". Why blame God when we know that Satan takes part in what is bad. If one doesn't have God in our life, that only leaves another entity to lead one.

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Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 04:43 PM

Thank You, dear Brother.

The enemy is mad because he knows I am not ignorant of his devices.


appreciate your input, ephesians 522.


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Posted : 18 Aug, 2008 01:17 AM

ephesians522,,, Is the picture on your profile your twin brother or did you take this picture in a two way mirror and edited the glasses?

And you are so right,,,

My space is also brutel along with some of the seculiar dating sites.

People who are easily offended on here could never handle the attacks on other sites,,, the very worse,,,

The same post I put on here called," does God still speak, I got attacked so bad I didnt know to respond on M,,Y,,,s,,,p,,,a,,,c,,,e,,,,,,

They we're killing me verbally so bad..

And it is more atheist surfing on the christian post just to

have fun and attack you.

A little like making sport of Samson.

Thank you for your input,,, nice. Bruce,, :peace: out Z!!!

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Posted : 18 Aug, 2008 05:28 AM


All of us handle things differently.I'm not sure I could stand up to the ridicule you spoke about on the other sites.I realize at times I take things too hard; but through my weakness, Christ remains Strong.


A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.

Blessed are they which are perscuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


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Posted : 19 Aug, 2008 05:20 AM

God bless you paul,,, and amen... i use that scripture all the time

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Posted : 20 Aug, 2008 01:46 PM

As I read these posts, I think there is so much that is hidden. I am of the opinion that we are all of the family of God. Just as in our own families, sometimes we do not agree, sometimes it is because something strikes a cord in our lives that we feel conviction, sometimes it is just pride. I must agree that this is a forum, open to opoinions and each of us have opinions. It should be a place where each can say what they think. It should be void of accusations and strife. It should feel safe for those who are of the family of God. We are warned against strife. James 3:13 - 14 Who is a wise man and endued with kknowledge among you? Let him show our of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. ..But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.In James 4:1....From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?

It is not important who is of greater knokwledge or who knows and quotes the scriptures best. It is the heart. It is humility. It is being in a state of openess to the Holy Spirit. If something is said on here that offends, it probably is because it is conviction. I don't think we need to try and out do someone else. We all need to pray and seek The Lord if something offends our spirit. Perhaps it is meant to, ordered by the Lord.

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Posted : 21 Aug, 2008 05:57 AM

Thank you for your input, redeemedone.

Your comment makes a lot of sense !


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