Author Thread: E.G. White - Failed Prophecies

E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 17 Apr, 2010 11:53 AM

Ellen G. White is no more a prophetess than Barack Obama is a Rocket Scientist.

To be a prophet or prophetess the person needs to be correct 100% of the time. If they are correct 99.9% of the time they have failed the test of a prophet.

Yet the SDA's continue in their deception and walk in denial to the truth. You can show them point blank White's false teachings and failed prophecies and they still continue in their deception. That's how deception works because the person who is deceived doesn't even know it.

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 17 Apr, 2010 09:00 PM

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I don't believe the SDA church is in deception. I believe they are another denomination of Christianity. They're just as deceived as the rest of the denominations are. They are certainly not a cult like others who claim to be Christian are.


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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 17 Apr, 2010 09:55 PM


I would agree with everything you have said with one exception. The SDA church teaches that going to church on Sunday is the mark of the beast. They say that anyone who does not observe the Sabbath or who goes to church on Sunday is lost and on their way to hell. They have taken out billboards in my hometown of Knoxville, TN proclaiming this as well as preaching it from the pulpit. Clearly this teaching is adding to the blood of Christ and is deceiving.

I do believe that there is a special blessing on observing the Sabbath and I do observe it myself. I do this because it makes me think of my Lord and Savior attending temple services on the Sabbath. I want to be like Him.

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 17 Apr, 2010 10:59 PM

I think their teaching regarding the Sabbath is off but then when I compare it to the ideas of communion, altar calls, Easter and Christmas which are traditional non-biblical teachings in most other Christian denominations I don't find it any more or less deceiving. What's more, I don't think the Bible is really clear on what the "mark" of the beast really is. If we are born again we have the "Mark" of the Holy Spirit on us. No one can see the mark. The mark of the beast may or may not be visible. The mark could be a tattoo or chip that is placed on or in people as a result of who, how and when they worship. It is the tradition of both Catholics and Protestants to persecute those who choose to worship on the Sabbath. It makes some sense that those who do not take the mark may also be those who worship on the Sabbath. I have no idea. If we're here when the time comes then I guess we'll know what it is won't we? For now I think of the mark on the hand and forehead as representative of what we do and what we think since the hands so often represent our doings in the Bible and our foreheads represent our minds. So maybe the mark of the beast is just that people agree with it's philosophy and do what it tells them to do. Remember that the beast and the antichrist are not the same thing. The beast is a political or religious, or both, regime that will be the government of the world. The antichrist is a man who will be the ruler of the world and he will have a false prophet to support his decisions as the will of God, or whomever is popular at the time.

I spent three years studying SDA Theology and prophecy and I think it is very interesting and enlightening and sure beats the heck out of the teachings of the Calvinists and Armenians and Dispen-sensationalists. Can I get an SDA witness up in here?!!


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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 12:27 AM

Are you kidding me!!! Study of predestination is as fascinating as it gets!!! The reformation is another awesome study!

As far as communion Jesus told us to do it in remembrance of Him so when you do it remember what He did on the cross, if you don't do it then you are missing out on a true blessing of worship.

Alter calls are not biblical, that was an invention of a one Charles Finny around 1850's and he did for an emotional sweep to get people to make a move forward to the front so he could count the number of converts from his heretical teachings.

Easter, I do not like the name cause it comes from a pagan god, it is really the passover the Jew observed in OT and the resurrection in the NT. We should observe that and glory in what our savior did for us. To not observe it doesn't effect salvation but should bring it in question.

Christmas is man made holiday with the birth of Jesus smashed in. As a Christian I choose not to worship it in the tradition of commercialism but I am thankful that God came into the world for the purpose of redemption for the Christian.

But to say as SDA say you are not a Christian because you don't do this or that or worship this day instead of that day is out right wrong and gets into legalism. We cant do anything but sin. Even our individual prayers are so sinful it would be enough to condemn the whole human race. So worship on Saturday, Sunday or Friday makes no difference. Not enough space or open minds to go into the theology of why we don't worship on the sabbath.

This thread started on predestination that God choose us. Answer me this, can I go to a grave yard with a book on how to raise yourself from the dead and get any customers? We are dead in our sins we cant choose to go from death to life as a dead person, it has to be from something outside of us that chooses to raise us from the dead and that would be God. And that brings me to this, if we had a dramatic life changing moment in our life like we was in a car going off a cliff and some miracle happen and the car was put back on the road you would know every tiny detail of the ordeal and how many Christians don't even know the gospel rightly. If you pass from death to life you would know every detail of it. And yet we still argue over mans fee will or God's sovereign choice.

I was once dead, now I am alive, lost and now found. A true Christian (the elect) is taught by the Holy Spirit and they understand the writings in the Bible. This is not about Calvin and Arminian it is about doctrine and theology from the Bible and the Bible is full of doctrine and theology. The 2 groups are so sharply divided somebody is wrong and will suffer the consequence because both cant be right and there is no middle ground to meet on. But to take an oh well attitude we'll see when the time comes is the most scary thought to go through my mind. I love that God gives us assurance when we rightly divide the Word and diligently study it.

I love these debates to hash this out cause it will either strengthen my position or correct an error in my understanding but if you have to do fancy foot work to get your presupposition smashed in then I have a problem with that. And I have yet to to hear a sound Biblical argument for man's free will. It is people acting like people have from the beginning they want to be in control of their own lives and the thought that God should send everyone to hell and he choose to save a few does not set well with them.

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 12:37 AM

Sorry! I got my threads mixed up while answering the question in the first part the last part should have been in a different thread.

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 07:31 AM

Nyanda your post is very good and accurate.

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 08:55 AM

Real prophets have no clue as to what they are saying. As their words come from YHWH and they just repeat it. They are hardly in a position to understand, imagine teach, the meaning of it. However, prophets lead to Father, never to church.

As soon as a prophet start teaching his/her own vision and starts founding a separate denominational church... I know enough.

As to the teachings of food from E.G. White! I think this world desperately needs teaching on how to properly feed the human body. If you cannot stomach it coming from another denomination than your own, then feel free to stay with your own feeding pattern. However, if you believe that fellow christians are actually able to say something right and helpful, why not have an open mind and check it out.

Yet, YHWH Himself stipulated very clear rules as to the consumption of food. I believe that if anyone should know about the well-being of a human, I think it would be its Creator.

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 11:49 AM

I do not believe prophets are just repeating what YHWH told them, rather they get a revelation and tell poeple in their own words. There has been a research on this by one of my profs, and it is really convincing, at least to me.

He used the formula that is used by prophets, in English it would be like "so speakes the Lord". He took the "so speaks X" and looked in the bible for other examples and found them referring not to the Lord but to all kind of people. And when you look at the passages, there is one person, like the pharao telling a herold what to say to the people and the herold comes to the people and tells them something that is basically the same, but not just quotation of the pharao's voice.

As prophets use the same formula about what God told them, and as we know from descriptions of visions, that prophets always go describing like "it was like" and "it was similar to", lacking words for what they've seen, on could also guess this is for what God told them. So I would not look onto the letter alone but to the meaning behind it, when dealing with prophecy.

I am also a bit careful about prophets starting denominations. Martin Luther is called a prophet at times, for he called into remebrance that we are not rescued by our deeds, but by God's grace. But still the reformation which started with him (and others following a similar idea) ended up with many different denominations. Is Luther wrong with God saving us rather than ourselves, because a denomination started from him? Is the pope always right because he doesn't start new denominations, because all he says is to be followed by the Catholics, who are an already existing denomination?

I doubt that. God bless you all.

De Benny

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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 01:19 PM

@ DarrellO. According to Romans 2:8 the only reason people suffer the eternal wrath of God is because they do not obey the Truth. I think every denomination has some kind of "other" reason for people going to hell. So the SDA's teach it is because people don't keep the Sabbath. Other denominations teach it is because you aren't baptized, some teach it's because you don't speak in tongues, and others teach it is because you haven't accepted Jesus as your personal savior. If we start picking apart the reasons denominations teach why people go to hell then we just contribute to the problem. The Truth is more important than denominational doctrine that divides and causes confusion. And as I have said in other threads before, there is no Biblical evidence that Jesus started communion. He actually expected his disciples to continue to celabrate Passover and only remember His death at a particular point in the Passover service. I am not going to rehash this. I try to encourage Christians who claim to know their Bible to stop reading the notes and start reading the book itself. It has the ability to interpret itself far better than anyone that writes marginal notes and subtitles. Learn the traditions of the people in the Book, find out what is actually being spoken about and why. You can't interpret the Bible if you only read the English version and try to understand it with a Western point of view. Also keep in mind that none of us are right about all of it and keep your mind open to be teachable. I know I have learned a few things in these threads and I look forward to learning more.


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E.G. White - Failed Prophecies
Posted : 18 Apr, 2010 02:36 PM

i believe that where most prophets miss it is in the interpretation.

We receive the word, we apply and interpret

dont forget that to each prophecy there are conditions.

I'm not defending what the EG White said or did I'm only saying...who are we to judge? God will deal with that person.

If anything we should be praying for the person (still dont know who it is or if still alive)and their relationship with God.

Afterall, it's still a soul, when they are discouraged, they are in danger of falling away.

Love n blessings,


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