Definition of Pornography: Orignially a description of prostitues, and their trade, any writings, pictures, books, paintings, etc. intended to sexual desires.
Yet, we find many who are called "saved"born again christians in the CHURCH of the living God, who proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ , and that they love the Lord. And are spreading the gospel to the church, and homes, and to the lost in the world, are involved in pornography.
Both men and women, Preachers do it, Bishops, do it, teachers do it, lay persons do it, prophets do it, deacons do it, ushers do it, choir members do it, many christians everywhere in christian leadership positions, and those who are not but say the love the Lord... which are those who profess and confess Jesus Christ as LORD AND SAVIOR over their lives are doing it... involved secretly in pornography....I often wonder who are they hidding from?... GOD?...:nahnah:
(1) So why is PORNOGRAPHY a SIN in the EYES OF GOD.
(2) What about PORNOGRAPHY that makes it a SIN according to God's Word of Truth.
(3) What effects does PORNOGRAPHY have on the human spirit and soul?
Advice that is good and sound paul wrote that, men should council men and women council women.This prevents many problems.It is how we appoarch this topic. I would only discuss this with a guy to council or get help.
A man should never discuss these things with a lady or vise versa.Dennis
I don't agree with you Dennis on that one, but I respect your opinion! :dancingp:
I think help can come from any source. I believe we as people make some sin more agrievous than others. Unless God has proclaimed it a abomination in His Word, or one of the 7 sins He hates, we are the one that categorize sin.
I come from a spiritual atmosphere at my church that deals with sin as sin. We will dismiss the kids if we need to and have teachings on things that people don't like to talk about, but that are relevant to us all.
You don't have to try to convince me that there are things that men should talk with men and women, women. I recognize that. For me, it's not that things are taboo that I can't talk to a man about a subject but, rather as different genders we will experience them differently.
I understand this a liberal approach and I will be in the minority. But thats okay. I've seen and personally experienced too much deliverance and healing to argue the HOW it got done.
My prayer for this thread is that someone reading will have the courage to confront their problem realizing they are not alone.
In my home town baby, a pastor abused his ability to council women and is in prison for life.He used hyponotizm to council ladies with problems. 25 counts of crimes were charged. Use your imaganation.
Every church needs a female teacher or counciler to discuss these issues. Paul wrote these things for a reason.Men council men, woemn council women. It is a higher standard we have to live by. for the sake of appearance.
It is how we are to appoarch the issue.I will not discuss my personal issues with a lady, such as sex.
I understand your point. I can see why you feel the way you do after witnessing abuse. We do have separate counseling for men and women issues. To be clear, we get teachings on all manner of sin, but not in open discussion form. That would be done in private with same sex ministers.
But it's cool that we can discuss how we will never discuss these issues. :laugh:
I quit doing drugs LONGGGGGG before I was saved!! Quit smoking before I was saved. Quit drinking after I was saved.. Quit all 3 with no trouble at all. I even quit riding motorcycles (I'm an ex 1%) won't mention the club.
Pornography, was another matter. I sturggled HARD with Pornography/ lust. I have even failed some since becoming born again. What has helped me big time was this. Now before I do "anything" that might be questionable, I simply ask my self this.....
" If Jesus was standing right beside me, would I still do it?"
Just asking myself that has helped tremendously!!! To the point where I rarely have to ask myself that question anymore! :dancingp:
I know i can speak from experience on this issue. I have in the past had a problem with pornography, and honestly every now and then i struggle with forces trying to pull me back into that lifestyle. Society is becoming more and more perverse all the time pushing the limits of what is accepeted and its not by accident. We have to moiter our children because it is very easy these days for children to get involved in porn at a very early age. Christian have to step up and make a stand (myself included) on this, or pretty soon there might even be some form of porn on regular TV. It is a perversion against gods principals and can destroy a marrage, good friendship, or buisness relationship. it is usally the start of most sexual imorality these days, so if you arent watching it don't start and dont let anybody conveince you to start. Its a hard habbit to kick and it the first step to the devil gaining control of your mind in that area.
It is a familiar spirit once you've dealt with it. Every time you say no to the temptation it loses it's power and gets easier to say no the next time. I tried to stop by myself many times, but it took confessing it and realizing that I was in spiritual warfare. I had to deal with it in the spirit. I rebuked it, denounced my cooperation with the demon, and asked for forgiveness. I think for people who have never struggled with it, they don't understand how strong the pull is. I feel you 100%.
Kingdom & John, :applause::applause: Do take a bow :bow::bow:... I PRAISE tHE lORD FOR YOU BOTH! THE VERY FIRST STEP TO deliverance and being SET FREE from anything especially sin, IS CONFESSION.
Heaven rejoices in you both. As we are taught in I John chapter 1, When we Confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us of our sins. Your confession is also your protection, because the devil has nothing to work with against you. Praise God!
I just pray that you both will continue to fight and be strong in the Lord suited up in the whoe armor of God, and stand rooted in God's word, knowing that we are not debtors to our flesh, but we are in debt to the Spirit of the Lord, and He is our strength and power to overcome ALL sins. Romans chapter 8.
Kingdom, you made mention something about Jesus standing beside you, not only is He standing beside you, but as a Christian believer, we have the confidence in knowing what Jesus tells us in John chapter 14, And I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Helper), so that He may abide (live) with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because the world neither see Him nor knows Him. But YOU know Him, for He dwells (lives) with you and will be IN you.... If anyone loves Me, the person will keep My word, and my Father will love him/her, and WE WILL COME TO HIM/HER AND MAKE OUR HOME WITH HIM/HER.
So not only must we as believers know and believe that Jesus is besides us before we make a choice to commit sin(s), but we must continue to be aware that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God are living on the inside of us. Therefore, we must stay aware of God's presence at all times, knowing that He cannot and will not live in a temple (body/house, which we are) that is full of corruption. He will remove His presence from us. Just as we find in many places throughout His word wherein He left Saul and others who refused to stop sinning and repent of their sins. So we must be careful and do as Job, make a covenant not to sin with our eyes , ears, or our bodies, knowing that God lives within us.
PRAISE GOD FOR ALL OF YOU. You know you have been set free, delivered from your sins, and healed with a RENEWED MIND, when you have a testimony to tell others about, and can help someone else overcome those very things that kept you in bondage! This gives honor and glory to the Father for all He has done for you. Praise God!:yay::glow::angel::applause::applause:
This comes to mind as Jesus said, (paraphrased, of course, I heal millions, but only three have come forth to give God the glory for His divine deliverance.
I blessed all three of you in the name of our Lord for nto being afraid or any longer ashamed:angel::hearts:
Hey SOS, I knew you would come through:applause: BTW, I could use a good cup of hot coffee about now:yay::zzzz:
Thanks to all of you for supporting and speaking out on this very important topic, which effects our spiritual grothw in the Lord, our homes, the church, our children and us daily.
Dennis, I realize there are some things men don't like talking to, or or discussing with women about, and you know what?... that's ok, just as long as you talk to someone. Of course, its your choice as to whom you will feel more comfortable with in counselling. BUT, on the other hand, I would like to ask you, why is pornography such a no, no subject to discuss in a counseling section with a women, but you (generic you, men) have no problems discussing adultery in a counseling section with a woman? Isn't pornography adultery? Sure it is, just with the eyes.
Therefore, consider this, what does Jesus have to say about looking with lust upon a woman or a man? You are commiting adultery, with your eyes in your heart. So is pornography, the act of commiting adultery with your EYES... I'm just saying.:angel: