Author Thread: FACEBOOK is an "Ignorance-Manifesting Network"! FACEBOOK is Christianity! FACEBOOK is Judaism! FACEBOOK is all of the religions in the world combined; a corpus [body] based on consensus reality! FACEBOOK is a nether world, a fiction, an artifice of deception: FACEBOOK is ANTICHRIST!

FACEBOOK is an "Ignorance-Manifesting Network"! FACEBOOK is Christianity! FACEBOOK is Judaism! FACEBOOK is all of the religions in the world combined; a corpus [body] based on consensus reality! FACEBOOK is a nether world, a fiction, an artifice of deception: FACEBOOK is ANTICHRIST!
Posted : 29 Nov, 2011 07:06 AM

Why are the [alleged] adherents of this religion known as "Christianity" in no way different from the remainder of the men in the world?

There is a "Ignorance-Manifesting Social Network", which I am positive that most of you have heard of: it is titled FACEBOOK.

On Wednesday November 16th, 2011 USA TODAY placed a cover story in the front page of the newsdaily; it was titled:

"MEMBERS OR NOT, VISIT FACEBOOK, AND IT TRACKS YOU!" How FACEBOOK compiles tracking logs of Web pages you've visited during the past 90 days."

Throughout the entire world wide web there are articles of how others are now using FACEBOOK, or what I call FACESCAM, to establish a "consensus reality", through which men are manipulated by the Luciferians controlling the world, and the world's banking/financial system. In short, these con-artists from hell are deceiving men into allowing them to farm them, and harvest their private data. In most cases people are now learning that the intent of collecting this private data, is to control and dominate their lives. EXAMPLE: Even insurance companies and businesses are now into the game, as each races to gather into "DATA FARMS" as much information about others as they can collect, before they wake up to this fraud.

If this scam were not bad enough already, there are preachers, pastors, rabbis, whatever you want to call them, on these "Ignorance-Manifesting Social Networks", leading the sheeple to the slaughter.

So, you keep on going to that "Ignorance-Manifesting Social Network" called a church, where your pastor is even involved in the game of antichrist, thinking that you are wise, he is wise, when the sum of time will reveal that he wasn't, and you aren't!

An Invisible Chain of slavery is being wrapped slowly around the minds of men through collectivist consensus reality, aka "PERCEIVED TRUTH".

Now, let me go ahead and state, that most of you are MEMBERS of this "Ignorance-Manifesting Social Network", but are members of other "Ignorance-Manifesting" Networks", called "churches", which have nothing to do with the true [spiritual] Body of Christ, for they are nothing more than corporatist institutions, buildings, fictions, falsehoods.

There are over 32,000 separate corporate fictions, aka "churches", licensed by Caesar, bearing different titles such as "CALVINIST", "BAPTISTS", "EPISCOPALIANS", "METHODISTS", "PRESBYTERIANS", "CATHOLICS", "PENTECOSTALS", to list just a few. These are all "Ignorance-Manifesting Networks".

Men are so deceived that they have no comprehension that they are "marching to the Devil's music!"

"For God has put it into their hearts to AGREE* [*through collectivist consensus reality social networking] and give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God shall fulfill." [Rev 17:17]


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FACEBOOK is an "Ignorance-Manifesting Network"! FACEBOOK is Christianity! FACEBOOK is Judaism! FACEBOOK is all of the religions in the world combined; a corpus [body] based on consensus reality! FACEBOOK is a nether world, a fiction, an artifice of deception: FACEBOOK is ANTICHRIST!
Posted : 30 Nov, 2011 12:29 PM

We are human and everything in this world has good and bad. We are suppose to seperate ourselves but we do live in this world. I try to follow Jesus footsteps as close as humanly possible. They tried to tell Jesus not to associate with some follow.remember what he said..And we aren't suppose to argue the Bible either so turn the other cheek if someone doesn't believe like you...

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FACEBOOK is an "Ignorance-Manifesting Network"! FACEBOOK is Christianity! FACEBOOK is Judaism! FACEBOOK is all of the religions in the world combined; a corpus [body] based on consensus reality! FACEBOOK is a nether world, a fiction, an artifice of deception: FACEBOOK is ANTICHRIST!
Posted : 30 Nov, 2011 12:31 PM

That's good...

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FACEBOOK is an "Ignorance-Manifesting Network"! FACEBOOK is Christianity! FACEBOOK is Judaism! FACEBOOK is all of the religions in the world combined; a corpus [body] based on consensus reality! FACEBOOK is a nether world, a fiction, an artifice of deception: FACEBOOK is ANTICHRIST!
Posted : 30 Nov, 2011 12:36 PM

James sound pretty smart to me..gotta realize God is Love....not you .Do unto you want done to you..God is the Judge. ,NOT man....

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FACEBOOK is an "Ignorance-Manifesting Network"! FACEBOOK is Christianity! FACEBOOK is Judaism! FACEBOOK is all of the religions in the world combined; a corpus [body] based on consensus reality! FACEBOOK is a nether world, a fiction, an artifice of deception: FACEBOOK is ANTICHRIST!
Posted : 30 Nov, 2011 04:56 PM

@ Spiritmind, we are suposed to gather its called assembling and its something we were told to do! thats is why Christians go to church, its obedience, and not going is rebelion

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