Author Thread: Jesus is our Bestest Friend and only Jesus gives Endless Love!

Jesus is our Bestest Friend and only Jesus gives Endless Love!
Posted : 7 Jun, 2011 06:19 AM

It is certainly hard lately to find a church with people who really love and obey and are on fire for Jesus. Very often even evangelical churches teach that if you accept Jesus as your Savior you will receive a free pass to eternal life and God forbid that you should suffer financial hardship or persecution or tribulation; which certainly helps church membership at the expense of the Truth. And very often churches just hold 2 services on Sunday and one on Wednesday which last an hour and people get very little practical Spiritual guidance for every day life.

John 14:23: Jesus says, �If anyone loves Me, he will obey My teaching, My Father will love him, and We will make Our home with him.� Matthew 28:19.20� Jesus commands, �Go and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to *OBEY EVERYTHING I have commanded you!� {See I John 2:3-5}

So let us read God's Word daily {Acts 17:11} and then *DO WHAT IT SAYS*! {James 1:22,25}:rolleyes:

Acts 17:11: �The Bereans were of noble character:rolleyes:, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures *EVERY DAY*!�

James 1:22,25: �Do not merely listen to the Word. *DO WHAT IT SAYS*!... and he who continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but *DOING IT*�will be blessed in what he does.:applause:

The church is certainly far different from the early churches in Acts where the believers worshiped and witnessed every day and were very serious about loving Jesus and keeping all 400 of the NT commands with the hope of countless eternal rewards for faithful and loving service.

There are certainly some minimum requirements for the church you worship in. I don't see how a person filled with God's spirit which helps us to understand God's Word can stay in a very liberal church which does not believe in the Divinity of Jesus and His Father or that the Bible was inspired by God or in a church that believes in salvation by works or by water baptism. It is certainly unfortunate that the body of Christ has to argue about beliefs that are not that important to your salvation and unbelievably we have over 400 Protestant denominations that will fight over every jot and tittle in their statement of faith.

Even though I believe that every day is the Lord's day and that all foods can be now be eaten in the NT; God's Word commands that I not condemn those who don't believe in eating meats or that one day is more special than another as per Romans 14:1-7. I believe that we should lovingly present our differing views on minor things to our brothers in Christ but not separate ourselves from our fellow saints because of these minor differences.

I Peter 1:22: "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the Truth so that you have sincere love:hearts: for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.":angel::peace:

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Jesus is our Bestest Friend and only Jesus gives Endless Love!
Posted : 8 Jun, 2011 05:40 AM

My Brother and my friend prophetic774,

Where are you? I am missing talking to you?

I have a question:

Why do you think that Jesus was 50 % Jewish?

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