In the Book of Revelation metaphoric entities called Beasts are
described. In Revelation eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
seventeen, nineteen and twenty the same Greek word is used. This
Greek word is therion. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance says that
therion, number 2342, means "a dangerous animal,venomous, wild beast." But the Greek word zoon is also translated as beast in the New Testament, for example, in II Peter 2: 12, where Peter talks about "natural brute beasts" made to be taken and destroyed, perhaps eaten, if they are literal brute beasts like a cow. A zoon is defined by Strong's, number 2226, as "a live thing, an animal." So, a therion, in contrast to a zoon, is something especially venemous, like a snake. In fact, therion is used in Acts 28: 4 where a "viper" fastened on Paul's hand, but Paul shook off the "venomous beast" and felt no harm. Paul had the protection of the Lord, the full armor of God as described in Ephesians 6: 11-18.
Part of the First Beast is seen in Revelation 13: 1-2, which it is like a leopard, bear and lion, harking back to the beast empires in Daniel seven - the leopard as Nazi Germany, the bear as the Soviet Union and the Lion as the British empire. The present U.S. government has some of the traits of all three of these empires. This government beast can be the U.S., but is not limited to America, and can include other advanced nations of the north, such as Europe. This government beast does not include nations of the south, and not Islamic countries. Because the Islamic nations are not now totally under the control of the northern nations - and their ruling elite - there will be a serious war between the two. The early stages of the martyrdom of Christians may be beginning in the Islamic countries of Africa and the Middle East (Revelation 6: 9-11).
Daniel Chapter Eleven defines the conflict between what has been called the King of the North against the King of the South. World conflict is now along a north-south division rather than the East-West division before the Soviet Union fell in 1991. The U.S. as the present leader of the North has been waging war upon the South, especially the Islamic nations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps soon other Islamic nations.
In Revelation 13: 3 another beast is described as being one of the heads of the beast, that is, this other part of the First Beast is not exactly the same as the U.S. government beast. Its deadly wound - received in 70 A.D. - was healed in 1948, and its the Little Horn of Daniel 7: 8. The Little Horn in large part depends upon the economic, political and especially the military power of the U.S. government beast for its survival in the midst of the Islamic countries of the Middle East.
Then, in Revelation 13: 11-18 the Second Beast appears, who looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon - usually called the False Prophet, but which is not limited to one man. It is also the church after the Falling Away of II Thessalonians 2: 3. The Falling Away is not something that is to occur in the tribulation; it has been going on for over a century.The Second Beast is related to Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth of Revelation 17: 1-11, which is false religion. In Revelation 18 Babylon as metaphor is used to describe a world economic system. And in reality, the financial elite is part of the U.S. government beast, which runs on Fiat money and usury banking, which is charging interest on loans, and with credit card banks the current interest rates can go as high as 29.9 percent.
Cantool wrote - "How can one ascend from the pit unless He has first descended. How can the Bride even descend from the heavens unless she has first ascended. You really need to ask the Holy Spirit to teach you rather than listening to John Hagee or others."
First, I don't listen to John Hagee. Second, if you're saying Jesus ascended from the pit because He first descended into the pit, you're gonna have to provide Scripture to back that claim. I'd also like to know what you consider the "bottomless pit" to be.
Jude and 2 Peter both say these fallen angels were sent to hell and locked up until the day of judgment ... this sounds like the day of judgment to me.
Hahaha! Okay Mr. Meanie. I won't press the tease with our Brother.
Have you, or anyone that happens to read this post, ever considered this: who was this book of Revelation written to? To us? No it wasn't.[ It was written to the 7 churches in Asia.] It was written for us! There is a difference in the use of the words TO and FOR. Though the mind perceives one thing, the Truth states another.
What else is there to be done? Not one thing more. Jesus has completed all His tasks to the utmost. It is all about a FINISHED work.
All the metaphorical representations in the book of Revelations are summarized into this very simple explanation: It is the revealing of Jesus; it is the revealing of the evil doctrinal church(es) that wars against the Holy Spirit of God; it is the revealing of the rebellious nature of fallen, carnal men; it is the revealing of those that humble themselves before the Lord and become His true Bride, and this is because they did dare to ascend the mountain where God is, and died to their flesh, and take on the glory of God, which is the same anointing with which Jesus was anointed with.
God wants to know through the calling that is upon us: do you dare to become a Son of God? The decision is yours and mine alone. The cross was so powerful that we fail to see the truth! It is Finished!
I'm not going to dig up specific scriptures to prove that Jesus first went to hell after the cross. If you got to have help here then you really are in the wrong books.
Isn't the explaination supposed to be simpler to understand than the metaphor?
I'm not sure if you are referring to one or both of my earlier posts. Help me out if you would.
The problem with understanding any Truth is due to our own preconceived ideas. Religion has stolen most peoples' innocence from them with its own teachings, rather than relying on the Lord to give us an understanding.
Often, Jesus would begin or end a teaching with these powerful words, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church."
Since Jesus is the head over the Church, it is wise to let 'that' head render the explanation, and not to invent our own
The works Of Jesus are a finished work. Even Solomon, in his wisdom, has said that there is nothing new under the sun. Why then, is there a new thing being preached to the masses concerning Revelation? The righteous are not going to be taken, but the wicked will be! Jesus defeated Satan, yes! and He will not give Him the earth a second time. The book of Revelation was not written for our generation, but to the 7 Churches in Asia! The work is finished. A curse is on everyone that adds or takes away from the letter. Be careful in how you deal with scripture please!