I've been reading the Book of Luke and have found some interesting parables. In Luke chapter 14: verses 16 - 24, Jesus tells the parable of the great supper to the Pharisees who sat at dinner with Him.This parable is an invitation to the lost to come to Christ for salvation.
Why do you think people feel a need to make excuses for rejecting Jesus Chirst into their life? And what responsibility, if any, do you think Christians have in bringing people to Christ?
I think it is a polite way to say I am not interested in your spiritual things, I am more interested in the world.
I don't think we are called to bring people to Christ, however we are called to bring Christ to people, then they either accept or reject. The only way to do that is to have Christ living inside you.
Btw, I don't remember Jesus trying to persuade anyone to believe.
Let's work with this and see what happens... I have a few questions to ask based on your comment.
2sapwrrow, you state that: you "don't think we are CALLED to BRING people to Christ, but we are CALLLED to BRING Christ to people." So based on this statement, how then do you view this passage that Jesus speaks within this parable? "Go out into the highways and hedges, and "COMPEL" them to come in, so that my house may be filled." Luke chapter 14: verse 23.
You also, state that you don't remember Jesus trying to PERSUADE anyone to believe." I agree, we are not called to MAKE anyone believe, this is the works of the Holy Spirit, AFTER we have given them the gospel of Jesus, and it is ultimately their choice and responsibility to receive or reject the invitation to come to Christ, once they have HEARD the gospel.
Yet, if we take into account your statement as to how we are to witness the gospel of Jesus, and NOT BRING the people to Christ, but take Christ to the people by the way we live. How do you understand what the word says, that a person who "WINS or RESTORES a soul is wise".
We would also have to as well as, discredit what we see throughout the book of Acts, wherein we read about Paul and the other Apostles PERSUADING the people to come/receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even in Acts chapter 26: verse 28, when Paul was talking to Agrippa about Jesus, Agrippa said, Paul, You almost PERSUADED me to become a Christian."
So how do you think Paul "almost presuade him to be a Christian?" Maybe its just a play on words BRING and PERSUADE used in the wrong places...
So what do you think Jesus is speaking about in this parable when he says, "COMPEL" them to come into his house? How do we COMPEL people to come to Christ?
Before I was saved there were some Christians who tried to bring me to Christ or Compel me ,if you will. I never wanted to hear it because I thought the drugs, drinking, and women was the fun thing to do. Then one day I ran into an old friend who at one time had been more heavily involved in the above than I ever was---- and he brought Jesus to me!
I could see it in his face; the way he acted; the way he talked--------- I could see the change in him!
He never tried to persuade me of anything but months later I went to see Billy Graham and was drawn by the Spirit of God and accepted Christ as my Saviour. That man brought JESUS to me; and I wanted the same peace he seemed to have.
That's why I so whole-heartedly agreed with what twosparrows said. I've been there.
Yes, that is exactly what I meant. I can share similar experiences.
I often post things in such a way, to encourage people to take their brain out of park and put it in gear. Many times it gets peoples feathers ruffled and blood pumping, both good things as long as it doesn't lead to sin. It doesn't mean I disagree with the post, just that I choose to over emphasize the path less traveled. With that said, let us discuss The parable of the great banquet and Paul before Agrippa. (In another post I'm here via smart phone)
In the Paul and Agrippa account, you gotta ask the question : How did that work for Paul?
In the Parable of the Great Banquet Jesus uses a parable to describe how He has come from the Father and invited the Jews, but very few will accept. Therefore the Gentiles will be invited. (by Jesus dwelling in the bodies of believers and going out from Jerusalem)
Just a side note : Just as Matthew was written from a Jewish perspective because Matthew was Jewish. So is Luke written from a Gentile perspective because he was probably born a Gentile. A characteristic theme of Lukes Gospel is the recognition of Gentiles as well as Jews in God's plan.
Sure great to have you back ET, you never fail to get us all digging deeper into the word!
A Related Word by Thayer�s/Strong�s Number: from G318
Citing in TDNT: 1:344, 55
Ella, looks to me it is by whatever means necessary.
One of the problems is, we are not looking at how God calls people to Christ. Through the foolishness of preaching. In that sense, we can see a part of God's plan. God starts to work in our hearts so that we will listen, and then He sends someone to you to show you the way. If you have been called, you will come. Willingly and gladly. If not, you will reject Him and never look back. That is why everyone thinks they make a "free will" choice, but without that call, you will never choose God.
Before I I go on, I think I should give out the definitions of these two words COMPEL AND PERSUADE, and how they are used n the scripture spiritually, so there will not be any misunderstanding as to how they are used within scripture as will as in the parable.
COMEL - In this parable Jesus states that the master tells his servant to, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and COMPEL them to come in, so that my house may be filled. Luke chapter 14:23
The definition and use of COMPEL in this context means to go out and 'GREATLY or STRONGLY INFLUENCE" or to "BRING ABOUT A CHANGE WITHIN" others with the gospel invitation of salvation to come, that will BRING ABOUT AN URGENT CHANGE or CAUSE AN UGRENT NEED for them to come to come be part of God's family.
This is what the servant did with the master's invitation when he went back out and invited the poor, the lame, and the blind. The first group were hose who were well to do, and they all made excuses and rejected the invitation, because they were too preoccupied with their own personla affairs to take time to come to the dinner.
The definition of PERSUADE as used through the book of Acts regarding how Paul PERSUADED (WON) many Jews and Greeks with the gospel to come to Christ in the context of scripture means to much the same as COMPEL, meaning to give and urgent reason that will cause a person to come to Christ, or to STRONGLY INLFUENCE OR CONVIENCE a person to belief with the teaching or preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Chevy, I am so very proud of you receiving the Lord into your life, and for being in the family of God. I also must let you know that, upon reading the definitions and how these word are used in scripture. Although you may think or feel that you your friend did not COMPEL or INFLUENCE you, the peace and joy in the presence of your friend's face... did indeed SPIRITUALLY COMPEL ie GREATLY INFLUENCED you to turn your life around. In that you SAW the peace (the glory of the Lord) on his face and you wanted whatever it was that gave him this peace. Therefore, when you went to hear Billy Grahm and he preached the gospel message of Jesus Christ, whatevr Billy spoke in that service that nigh finished the process by PERSUADING OR CONVIENCING OYU of the URGENT NEED to belief in Christ and ot give your heart to him.
Ok, 2sparrow yes, it was the religious leaders The Pharisees who first rejected Jesus, and they also gave cause for some of the people not to receive him. This is why when he sat at dinner with them he told this parable to them to heir own ignorance. The religious leadrs and the Jews were looking for a physicaly kingdom to come, because they wanted to be a part of this new kingdom, and didn't know that Jesus was the King of the new kingdom to come, and had given them an invitaion to be aprt of it, but they rejected the invitation with their excuses.
While reading this parable an thorughout the book of Luke, Jesus does exhort us to COMPEL AND INFLUENCE OTHERS TO COME TO CHRIST with the gospel as well as by the way we live for those we know and see daily. There is no way many of the lost and those who are in the highways and byways, and hedges (on the streets homeless) who need to know Jesus Christ, can see our daily lifestyles. BUT when we met with them wherever they are, we are to be COMPELING AND PERSUASIVE enough with the gospel and with our OWN PERSONAL TESTIMONIES of how the Lord delivered us, to the point that it will convience them of a need for Christ, and stir up their desire to seek Christ. It may not happen at that monet for some, but down the road across the bridge, God will send another opportunity for them to come to Christ. We are to plat the seed, and some times God sends others to water, so that He alone will get the increase.
Of course, many will reject, but many will receive as well. Humility when ministering to the lost along with tough love works womders.:glow::applause::dancingp:
You are so right! God calls ALL of His creations back to Himself at one time or another through the preaching of His word. And many do not here the call, they think its their AS YOU SAID FREE WILL... but its not, becaue man doesn't have FREE WILL. MAN HAS FREE CHOICE TO REJECT OR RECEIVE.
How many times did you and I run from the CALL and kept putting it off because of our so-called FREE WILL not to obey the call? BUT GOD in all of His divine power put us in a posiition of none resistance within circustances and situatin in our lives, , which COMPELLED US AND PERSUADED US OF THE URGENT NEED TO RECEIVE HIS INVITATION TO BE SAVED. we had NO CHOICE but to live or die, give in or reject. PRAISE GOD WE CHOSE TO LIVE AND NOT DIED!:applause::glow::yay: