Author Thread: Laying out your fleece...

Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 11:34 AM

Do people lay their fleece out these days to get an answer from God?..

I will share with you a time in my life that we (I speak of when I was married) layed out our fleece.....we see there are times that people laid out their fleece when they were seeking a word from God...take note this is not always the way to get an answer from God, but one of many ways.. Judges Ch 6 :36-40 where Gideon layed out his fleece..God was sending Gideon a prophet to Israel by the inroads of the Medianites.. He was being sent by God to convince them of their sins and the need for deliverance....When my ex husband was struggling with a calling on his life to go into the ministry....we started to pray and ask God was this truely God calling him to preach....we had a son who at the time was 5...I was very sick when he was 2 months and almost six Dr's told me I would never have anymore at the time God was dealing with him about going to bible college...we layed our fleece out ...because we needed to know for certain this was God's calling....I had gone back to the Dr on Feb 17 ,1986 and had heard for the sixth cannot have we prayed and laid our fleece out ...we ask God if this is truely you calling us into the ministry bless us with a child....that was our fleece...folks nine months later on Nov.16.1986.. God blessed us with another son ..we named him Noah (peace) Samuel (God Heard)....You know I could relate to Hannah in the book of Samuel...God heard her cries...and He heard mine and He will hear your's... what an awesome God we serve...Not only did God hear our prayer and answered in His time...but he healed me!..Give Him All The Praise...Angel

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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 01:04 PM

I've never done it; but that doesn't mean I never would. Your

testimony is inspiring. Our God Is Able To Do GREAT Things !


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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 02:05 PM

Laying out your fleece is truly Biblical. I'm sure many who have a life changing desicion to make have done it in these days.God never changes! He's the Same: Yesterday, Today,

and Forever. If He honored it in the Old Testament; there's no reason He would not do the same today !

God Bless You,

:angel: Deborah

welcome to this forum,angelkisses. I can already tell your contribution will be a Blessing. Great POSTS !

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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 05:17 PM

I believe if the Spirit brings the story to rememberance during a time of great decision making it is Biblical to do so. I, also, believe it might be a fleece other than an actual fleece like you related in your story.

Some people might get negative about the concept but when the stakes are as high as they were for Gideon--the lives of all those people. A little bit of miraculous encouragement and visual evidence is helpful and reassuring.

What an example of against all odds 300 to an army




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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 06:45 PM

It was not an actual fleece(piece of cloth) ...our fleece was asking God to show us through the blessings of a child if HE was truely calling us in the ministry(this was our sign our fleece)....In Genesis Ch 24:You could also say that when Abraham asked his most trusted servant Eleizer to go find Isaac a wife ....His servant laid out his fleece...He was needing an answer from God without a doubt...when the servent arrives at the gate..he kneels his camels down...and he ask God for a sign...the servant pray's for an answer from God..(lay's out his fleece)..the servant knew that about that same time each day the ladie came through the gate to draw water.12-14 this is where he lay's his fleece out 15-21 we see when he ask Rebekah for a drink of water....not only does she give him a drink ..she water's his camel's wow..he had 10 camels...camel's can drink about twenty gallon's of water each...can you imagine how busy this little lady was....she didn't complain, she didn't stop to rest...she was doing what she was lead to do.....She was obeying the Holy Spirit.....In His Service ....Angel:angel:

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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 06:53 PM

I do believe that you can fleece the Lord. It is biblical. I do, however, think you need to do it with much supplication and prayer and not an easy fix to an answer. In your case the anwer is self evident. But I feel that it would have to be something, no questions asked, that was definitely answered by the Lord.:glow:


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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 24 Aug, 2008 07:49 PM

Yes, the Rebekah story tends to put me in awe! After your description of the work it entailed or required, I think perhaps the LORD must have given the girl supernatural strength to pull all the water. It has always put it in my mind to go the extra buckets full you never know whether it is a test for tremendous blessing.

I appreciate the information thank you!

I agree Strawberi to be careful, too. I wouldn't want the verse to come to my rememberance about testing GOD, that Jesus quoted to Satan! Yikes, HELP me LORD!





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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 26 Aug, 2008 02:18 AM

great post,,,

Most assuredly fleeces can be brough before God but rest assy=ure we are to be careful how we do this and with what motive we do it. We should never fleece God over stupid things of which I have seen and heard people do.

I think it is absolutely appropiate to fleece God when It comes to his will for our lives. There was a time that it was so important to Know without a doubt that God was behind us going into the ministry that I fleeced him. If he had not answer I would have never went into the fultime ministry.

So you might be thinking how faithless Gidieon was for fleecing Gid then the next night switched his fleece opsite of the night before just so he would know it was truely God.

Well I did much worse,,, I fleeced God 4 times and every time I made it harder than the one before. Yes he answered them all. The longest one took him three days to answer. The shortest one took him 30 seconds. again this was concerning his will and not mine. I dont think we are to fleece him to whether or not we should eat ice cream or go on vacation I would think that falls under the category of asking amiss. Bye bye for now.....Bruce

Ps , one last thing,,,,, AS I GOT OLDER AND MY FAITH BEGAN TO GROW IN THE THINGS OF GOD I stop fleecing him. Dont ask me why i stop,,, it just didnt seem to carry the weight as it did when I was first in the ministry. I think I began to reconize God voice and the leading of the spirit to guide me.


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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 26 Aug, 2008 02:45 AM

I heard a minister once preach about ,,,

Luke 11:11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

This person was very old and had been in the ministry fulltime for over 40 years,,, wisdom always preceeded out of they're mouth,,,

this is what they said,,,,i am not putting it exactly right ,,, i wish you would have been there but here goes,,,

For us to be very careful when we ask for direction from God.

We must always use wisdom and let the word be the lamp unto our feet when we seek answers.

The meat of their sermon was satan is usually the first one to show up with the answer. Like if you are saying to God,,, send me a husband or send me a wife,,,,, this minister through experience said,,, watch out,,,, the next day some man will end up on your door steps or at your work and will be sent by Satan himself,,,, Satan will give you a better job as long as that job leads you away from your devotion and comitment to Jesus.

So he was saying,,, when you ask for bread,,, make sure it is bread and not a stone,,,or a fish and not a serpant,,,,

I remember before I got saved there was this girl who I had chased after for two years trying to get with her. Then I turned my life over and surrendered to God. Three days later this girl showed up on my door step and told me she had been thinking about me and wanted to know if I was still wanting to go out with her. she realizes now that she cares for me,,, i mean she came out from nowhere,,,, instantly in my spirit i knew she was sent from the devil... dont get me wrong,,, i am not saying she was the devil but that satan was using her to get me back away from God.

Well, I had told God,,, lord,, send me a good girl,,, and here comes this girl i had been chasing for two years,,, wow, wow, wow,, thats why this persons sermon stood out to me so much,,,

bye bye for now,,, Bruce

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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 26 Aug, 2008 04:05 AM


You're such a great teacher !

I, as well, can identify with being handed a stone before the bread. Our God is faithful, though; we just have to be wise to the enemy's devices.

:angel: Deborah

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Laying out your fleece...
Posted : 26 Aug, 2008 07:06 AM

Hey Bruce, thanks again for the now I know where all these stones come from:goofball:.....and I know what to do with them ...:yay:.....great story.....Angel:angel:

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