Author Thread: why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?

why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 06:02 AM

Have you ever noticed that some denominations take one subject,Like ....say,what day of the week they worship, or water baptism...ect.,and they base everything on this,its like they become obsessed with this one topic,and 9 times out of 10 they get it wrong!LOL

In Christ


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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 06:50 AM

Because of they have no the Apostolic Tradition and thus fabricate their sinful surrogate BUT it�s said in Scripture:

�Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the TRADITIONS which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.�


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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 07:24 AM

Hey hey, now don't get on a high horse. You do the same thing. When a christian sees what they perceive to be biblical error being taught as "Christianity"...are they supposed to stand up? Or just let it take over? What if Martin Luther had said, "eh...indulgences aren't biblical...but it's no biggie...".


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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 08:04 AM

Is Luther a sinless pope for you? :rolleyes:

indulgences never been a part of Tradition (there is in Orthodox Church). it was a local problem of Western Latin Church but not of Estern Orthodox Church.

There is no a biblical error in Orthodoxy.

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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 09:09 AM

Don't know the authory of this but I find it to say much good...

The word heresy literally means "choosing one's own ideas", which also means choosing that which is untrue to believe. Evcen the New Testament church had false or heretical teachers who taught erroneous doctrine. Some epistles were specifically written to comabt false teachers such as Galatians, and 2 Thessalonians. Paul warns the Romans against identifying with those in the church and those outside th church who promoted divisive, heretical teachings (Romans chapter 16:verses 17-20).

Paul advised Titus to reject heretics if they did not respond after two warnings, Titus chapter 3:verses 9-11). John warns us not to even admit such a person who insist on being a heretic into our home if we are Christians or bid them good-bye, (2 John verses 8-11).

We all must understand that not everyone who makes an incoorrect doctrinal statement is a heretic or member of a cultic church, many just have it wrong in their efforts to try and maxumize their spiritual knowledge in the word and the knowing about God in their boasting, teaching, preaching things and of things that do not poitn a lost person to Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with salvation, nor bild up the saints for the works of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Christians must stand contend for God's truth against those false teachers who hinder the faith with false doctrines, that do not lead the unsaved to Christ, but are meant to only increase membership of certain denominational congregations. Our fidelity as Christians, is to the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ and His death, burial, resurrection, and soon return for His people.

As John write to the elect lady, "If there comes to you and bring any other doctrine other than that of Jesus Christ, do not invite them into your house, neither bid them Godspeed, as you will become a partaker of their evil deeds of teaching false doctrine."


In other words, John is not saying not to be friends with other people of different denominations. BUT, what he is saying is that if the person of a denomination who does not believe in, or teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ, and teaches stuff contrary to scripture other than that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God... this is really an antichrist, it iis a cultic denomination, heretic, deceiver, and dangerous.

The doctrine our the Christian faith is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection, and soon

return. Anyone who has an unorthodox view of the person and work of Chirst is very dangerous and is a false teacher.

The question asked, why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?... they realy don't spiritually know Jesus Christ for themsleves in a spiritual way, so teahcing others things related to him is the only way they know to feel close to Him... as for me and my house, tell me what you know about Jesus on a personal level from inside your box, not about something you don't know about, but only heard about from others outside their box...

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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2009 09:27 AM

...and one day God is going to teach me how to type and spell correctly, all at the same time... since this board does not offer its members a spellcheck link...:dancingp::peace::yay::zzzz::ROFL:

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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2009 01:02 AM

Are you saved? - an Orthodox Christian answer:

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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2009 10:18 AM

Wise answer Etcallhome! :applause:

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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2009 02:38 PM

Well, I 'm not sure what anyone is trying to say here...Vlad? A sinless pope? I was just pointing out that Luther stood up for the truth, like we should:rolleyes:. And as far as not having any seems to me that many churches make that claim. What makes you better than them? Not sure exactly what the eastern Orthodox church believes, but if you worship Mary, or any human for that matter then that is an unbiblical error. No created being is worthy of worship or prayer. Not angels, not Mary...nobody. And ET....I'm really not sure what you were saying...but what I got out of it was that if anyone disagrees with your baptist beliefs they are evil heretics? Well...I think any church that thinks they have all truth is on dangerous ground. Like I said...not sure if that's what you were saying...but I disagree with your beliefs...way more then 2...does that make me the heretic, or does it make you one?


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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2009 02:45 PM

Sinless pope...hehehe......evil heretics.....hehehe

Your funny mark

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why do some religions lean so heavily on one thing?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2009 02:46 PM

Vlad the impaler?

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