Posted : 27 Oct, 2021 09:08 PM
That’s right boys and girls, gather around for another EXCITING TeddyBug Tale right outa TeddyVilleFlats.
TeddyVilleFlats is located on the very edge of the mythical Flat Earth Circle just North of nowhere on Fairytale Lane‼️‼️😂😂😂😂
OK NOW. Let’s let the TeddyBug tell it as no one else can tell it‼️‼️
Alright, everybody extend a warmed over welcome to THE ONE AND ONLY—-TEDDYBUG ‼️‼️‼️
FROM STORY ONE, TeddyHug says this on the latest thread below on the Biblical Forum:
“For the record I never implied the earth was 'created' in 7 DAYS but that the CREATION of TIME as we know it began ON ON ON the earth during ALL 7 DAYS. As usual junior tinyfaithdavid misrepresents me in what I actually state without asking first! That is SLANDER and only a 'continually sinning perfectionist' like tinyfaithdavid claims he can get away with, by his license to sin he supposedly says comes from heaven!” END TEDDYBUG STORY ONE
But earlier, in TeddyBug Story two, the TeddyBug says this in the Science and Philosophy forum posted in the following thread:
Theologians Apply Evolution Theory to Genesis
Posted : 28 Mar, 2021 12:50 PM
IN TEDDYBUG STORY TWO THE TEDDYBUG SAYS THIS: “Its interesting that David IGNORS the FACT that Genesis describes SEVEN DAYS of CREATION, not SIX as the false teacher here writes! ANYONE can look up the FACTS that there were 7 DAYS of CREATION in the first TWO CHAPTERS of Genesis! David is therefore a LIAR!
NO WONDER then David also believes in the theory of 'gravity' known as grabbity! He ignors the FACT that 'gravity" is ONLY a theory!” END TEDDYBUG STORY TWO
Now boys and girls, don’t you think the TeddyBug is the best OOPS storyteller EVER. Every time he tells the same story he tells it differently‼️‼️‼️‼️
Posted : 27 Oct, 2021 09:27 PM
The TeddyBug stories are based on the TeddyHug’s simple confusion over Exodus 20:11, “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”
Does anyone out there know of someone else, besides the TeddyBug, who finds the Exodus reading so problematic⁉️⁉️
Posted : 28 Oct, 2021 05:57 AM
Speaking of 'bold ignorance'! Can you believe this below statement readers that law and theory have the same meaning according to PAGAN believing tinyfaithdaivid has in some 'science' circles??? I say some because there are many that know grabbity is only a theory and has NOTHING to do with so called 'law' of opinion because opinions are not facts! LOL!
'For one thing, the Law of Gravity can be referenced as a law and as a theory depending on the context of application.'
Posted : 28 Oct, 2021 06:14 AM
National Center for Science Education | Volume 27 | No. 5-6 | September-December 2007
Gravity: It's Only a Theory
All physics textbooks should include this warning label:
This textbook contains material on Gravity. Universal Gravity is a theory, not a fact, regarding the natural law of attraction. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered.
HILARIOUS NO dear readers??? So much for tinyfaithdavid's statement that ALL modern Science teaching has accepted that 'gravity' is somehow a 'law' proven!!!??? LMBO!
Its also interesting that tinyfaithdavid somehow does NOT apply the fact of 'gravity' is only a theory much like the theory of evolution that he partly CLINGS to as 'science', imagine what might
happen to David if he applied the same logic to the theory of grabitation ('gravitation') that he does to the theory of eviligion ('evolution') of .'solar systems', 'revolving planets' and so called 'light years' away of stars, as well as so called ever 'expanding galaxies' of them all, friends and readers!!!??? Correct?
Of course atheist loving corrupted tinyfaithdavid from his corrupted school system, will tell you when someone disagrees with him, like the National Center for Science Education for example, that they are therefore atheist because they do not agree with the majority (the >wide path< to destruction the Bible tells us about) of so called 'science' that teach a conscience type of grabbity (gravity) that makes tons of water 'stick' to a spinning ball, yet a small insect can leave the ground with ease with such INCREDIBLE strength as to over come this supposed grabbity that tinyfaithdavid worships!!!???
LOL! Indoctrinated laddy boy tinyfaithdavid is clueless to understanding TRUE density of objects and creatures weights (true proven science!) to that of the CULT teaching of dreamed up grabbity by the TRUE atheist that deny the Bible that describes a motionless none spinning, nor moving earth, that does not wobble nor tilt like David's globe/sphere head does and his 'duck bill hat' keeps falling off of his empty sphere with ears!!!
Posted : 28 Oct, 2021 06:22 AM
INCREDIBLE dear readers of the deception (LIES!) in this thread, SOOOO Lets look at the CONTEXT of my writing tinyfaithdavid in ZERO TRUTH leaves out about Ted!
From the thread - 'Theologians Apply Evolution Theory to Genesis' on another part of the forum....
David writes - Amazingly theologians and scientists (fortunately not all of them) interpret the >>>6 days of the Genesis creation account<<< with the unscientific and self-refuting doctrines of secular humanism’s fledgling theory of evolution!!' end quote
Ted writes - 'Its interesting that tinydavid IGNORS the FACT that Genesis describes SEVEN DAYS of CREATION, not SIX as the false teacher here writes! ANYONE can look up the FACTS that there were 7 DAYS of CREATION in the first TWO CHAPTERS of Genesis! tinydavid is therefore a LIAR! NO WONDER then tinydavid also believes in the theory of 'gravity' known as grabbity! He ignors the FACT that 'gravity" is ONLY a theory!'
'So I guess we can safely say by tinydavid's own quoted words, that tinydavid just has a 'love of darkness' that is not Biblical about the seven days of CREATION???' end quotes
Posted : 28 Oct, 2021 06:29 AM
So then tinyfaithdavid (that does not understand the simple words of the Bible by faith) then posted this -
'Looks like the False teacher Flat Earth TeddyBug just called God a “LIAR” too.... 'Here’s what God says about the 6 day creation:'
'Exodus 20:11 For in >>>six days<<< the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord >>>blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.'<<<
'I guess our false teacher Flat Earth TeddyBug doesn’t spend much time reading the Bible. As you can see Flat Earth TeddyBug has his OWN set of FACTS‼️' end quote
Ted responds with the obvious truth and then posts -
NOTE dear friends and readers how tinydavid just cannot comprehend CONTEXT of the Bible ON THE SUBJECT of Creation of SEVEN DAYS! So its tinydavid that is a LIAR! Here’s what YHWH ACTUALLY SAYS in CONTEXT about the 7 days of CREATION:
tinydavid posts - 'Exodus 20:11 For in >>>six days<<< the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord >>>blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.'<<<
First of all notice his IGNORANCE in thinking his readers are NOT actually reading, in stating about YHWH - 'but >>>He rested on the seventh day.<<< Therefore the Lord >>>blessed the Sabbath day<<< and >>>made it holy.<<<'
That's right YHWH MADE and or CREATED a DAY he made HOLY and RESTED ON IT! !!! Was He tired? Did he 'bless' an ENTIRE 12 hour day for Himself? NO, he rested on it for an example to his made human creatures the day BEFORE on the 6th DAY of creation! So did He make it 'HOLY' just for Himself, or did He have plans once again for is already made human creatures the day BEFORE on the 6th DAY of creation!? It seems tinydavid has no common sense, or he just wants to ignore the COMMANDMENT (that is NOT a suggestion!) to keep the 7th Day Sabbath and or DIE come judgment day for NOT keeping it???
'So what about that CONTEXT I mentioned that tinydavid FAILED to post in its CONTEXT???'
'Genesis 2:1-3 'Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.'
2. And on the seventh day YHWH ended his work which he had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made.
3. And >>>YHWH blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:<<< because that in it He had rested from all His work which YHWH created and made.
'So according to tinyfaithdavid, there is NO created DAY of the SEVENTH DAY for a purpose??? Nor is it blessed and sanctified (according to tinyfaithdavid) for his previous day (6th DAY) made human creatures??? tinyfaithdavid only keeps a six day week calendar! Ask him friends, he will tell you there is no such thing as a 7 day week, so tinyfaithdavid has his own calendar hanging on his wall that has ONLY six day weeks! Is that hilarious or what???
As you can see tinydavid is really the false teacher then, that has his OWN set of FACTS (and his special ed PAGAN calendar from his schooling in school and on his wall that he now claims has only six days in it!? ), by OMISSION of the CONTEXT of the FACTS from the Bible‼️ He is DOOMED to destruction, which is DEATH come judgment day sadly!
But dear readers, tinyfaithdavid (that has no faith in the words of the Bible) does not get it and posts another distraction from truth in the Bible and states this below -
'Flat Earth TeddyBug can’t understand the difference between 6 and 7. Flat Teddy, 7 is one more than 6.' end quotes
DUUUUH really??? No kidding??? You see he misses the point entirely dear readers in what the Bible clearly says about 7 DAYS OF CREATION and how YHWH CREATED a REST
DAY for His human creatures on the 7th DAY in TIME as we know it in the enclosed earth by a firmament (Genesis 1:6-8)!!!
Posted : 28 Oct, 2021 06:37 AM
Finally in that thread Ted posts this then -
'So there you have it readers, tinydavid cannot count past 6 (that's why he is like the 666 antichrist?) for a Creation WEEK??? Everyone KNOWS a week consist of SEVEN DAYS but the calendar on littlefaithdavid's wall says 6 DAY WEEKS!'
'Folks, you just can't make this stuff up! And NOW tinyfaithdavid is DUMBFOUNDED in reasoning dept and this simple factual matter out by BOTH the Bible and the Roman society keeping a SEVEN DAY calendar that tinyfaithdavid now claims is in error!?'
'YUP..... ITS A FACT GLOBE HEAD tinydavid, 7>> is<<< one more than 6 and YOU therefore cannot count past SIX! But that is SAD for a college lad you CLAIM to of been!'
Posted : 28 Oct, 2021 06:48 AM
So then in closing dear readers, with the CONTEXT of what I posted in the thread - 'Theologians Apply Evolution Theory to Genesis' I exposed tinyfaithdavid (that does not understand the simple words of the Bible by faith) in that thread for all to see, clearly restated above, we can move on to tinyfaithdavid lack of common sense, reasoning ability, because his conscience is seared with a hot iron about the HOLY and BLESSED 7th DAY Sabbath!
REPOST of what Ted stated in above thread - 'Its interesting that David IGNORS the FACT that Genesis describes SEVEN DAYS of CREATION, not SIX as the false teacher here writes!
ANYONE can look up the FACTS that there were 7 DAYS of CREATION in the first TWO CHAPTERS of Genesis! David is therefore a LIAR!'
REPOST of what Ted ACTUALLY stated in the CULTISTrsvp satanic 'halloween' worshipper thread below this one titled - 'special halloween hyper seven day sabbath keepers stumper questions edition' but slanderer in Moral Law tinydavid leaves out the CONTEXT to what I state AGAIN, to attempt to mislead readers!!! Lets look at the context now reposted below -
Ted posts - 'For the record I never implied the earth was 'created' in 7 DAYS but that the CREATION of TIME as we know it began ON ON ON the earth during ALL 7 DAYS.'
'oh-ye-of-little-faith-in-reading-and-understanding-Scripture-david states that just because YHWH 'created' physical things the other >>>5<<< days (not including the 4th day of 'creation' that david is also IGNORANT about), that YHWH cannot 'create/ordain' a day of rest for His human creatures He made the day before (on 6th DAY) yet by example Himself in keeping it and resting on the 7th DAY! Was YHWH tired? OF COURSE NOT, for He had a PURPOSE in resting by example to His human MORTAL creatures to OBEY he made the DAY before!
'Sooo what is this 'clearly' stuff that tinyfaithdavid thinks is sooooo important in Exodus 20:11, yet he misses the mark and his globe/sphere head is spinning (unlike the earth we live on that NEVER moves the Bible says!) and his duck bill hat keeps falling off the 'edge' of his head! LOL!
oh-ye-of-little-faith-in-reading-and-understanding-Scripture-david seems to have a huge logic and reasoning problem in understanding YHWH is quite capable of creating physical things in 5 days of His creation WEEK and ordaining 'things' on the other two >>>DAYS OF CREATION WEEK<<< that began after the earth already existed before TIME as we know begun when YHWH lit the sun on DAY one and caused its circular motion around the enclosed earth!
Did you catch it dear readers, the CONTEXT of what I was ADDING ADDITIONAL TRUTH to what I posted on another part of the forum in thread titled - 'Theologians Apply Evolution Theory to Genesis' where I embarASSsed tinyfaithdavid (that does not understand the simple words of the Bible by faith) in that thread for all to see??? That's right, partial now PAGAN calendar (tinyfaithdavid now claims has only six days in it) keeping zerofaithdavid now exhibits in his ignorance, that YHWH cannot create a rest DAY on the seventh DAY because its not anything physical like animals, land out of water, heaven between waters above the earth and below the earth because the earth is enclosed by a firmament (Geneis 1:6-8) according to zerofaithdavid that does not want you to know that sadly because he works for satan!!!
Its all too clear to seenow how zerofaithdavid in his unknown clarity of the Bible TRUTH now, not only takes it out of CONTEXT but Ted also of course but at least he is consistent in his willful 'continually sinning perfectionism' heresy teaching in misrepresenting people all the time on this forum! Like also claiming ADAM7777 and Ted have claimed to be sinless while providing ZERO quotes where they stated such on this forum???