Author Thread: Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?

Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 15 Jun, 2010 06:03 PM

Be ye not unequally yoked.

I feel you just cannot be involved in a dating relationship with a non-Christian if you truly are following the will of God for your life. The non-Christian will pull you away from your relationship with Jesus, not closer. I've seen this happen so many times it's almost sickening to me anymore. The Israelites were told to destroy all the non-Israelites from the land for a reason- God knew that pagan worship would overcome the Israelites -and their descendants- if those people remained. And sure enough: that's just what happened.

Being "unequally yoked" with a boy/girlfriend who doesn't know Christ at all, or who doesn't know him as well as you do is only inviting trouble, to my way of thinking. How many of us hasn't felt that pull to go out and party? Just once? for old times sake? Or to buy that newest gadget even though we really don't need it and now we haven't the money to tithe or give to God's works properly?

One also has to learn just what the term "Christian" means to the other person, too. I mean, Obama claims to be Christian, but he sure doesn't walk the staight and narrow path of Christ. At least, not that I've been able to observe, anyway.

I feel I cannot get invloved with someone who doesn't know Jesus as intimately as I do. Oh- we'll have differences, of course! But we MUST have shared beliefs or one of us will be very unhappy. We, as Christians, may be living in this world, but we are not supposed to influenced by the things of this world. I should leave my witnessing and testimony to those who do not know him in whom I trust. I shouldn't have to witness or testify to someone I am wanting a relationship with.


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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 17 Jun, 2010 09:21 PM

The problem is that people believe they can change someone. Last time I checked, though, God is the one who gives increase. We can plant all the seeds we want, and water them too, but God, and God only, can give that increase. Feel free to plant seeds in that persons life, and water those seeds, and pray for them, but I advise against having a relationship with them because as scripture tells us, do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, for what fellowship does light have with darkness?

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 18 Jun, 2010 03:52 PM

Exactly! Part of the serenity Prayer even mentions that:

God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

The only person I can change is me. I cannot change anyone else. Only God can make changes in another person, and only if they desire it.

So- I am to follow him to the best of my ability and stop comparing myself to others AND stop judging others. I am reminded of the scripture in John 21:19b-22

Then Jesus told [Peter], "Follow me." Peter turne3d around and saw the disciple Jesus loved following them- the one who had leaned over to Jesus during supper and asked, "Lord, who among us will betray you?"

Peter asked Jesus, "What about him, Lord?" Jesus replied, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?"

In other words- don't bother yourself with how someone else is following me. I'll take care of that. You just keep your eye on me and learn of me. If their walk bothers you- pray for them. But you follow me.

Well, that's my take on it, anyway.

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 24 Jun, 2010 04:19 AM

You are absolutely right, Collie Gal! I was married to a man who claimed to be a believer initially. We had a child together. I recall vividly when our 3 yr old asked, Where is God? at the dinner table. My ex husband's reply was that God was dead. That had shattered all I was trying to do in her life: attending a Christian daycare while we both worked, going to church, praying at night with her, teaching her to say a blessing over the food. It's difficult to raise a child together when you have one person of faith and the other that isn't. Yes, they must be evenly yoked or things deteriorate quickly.

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 25 Jun, 2010 10:13 PM

I am so sorry you went through that with your husband. It does make it very difficult when one person believes and the other doesn't. Sometimes it's a matter of what the two believe about their Christian faith, too.

For example, my mother was very devoutly Christian; my dad was all church is OK on Sunday but then let's live in the real world. Their dis-unity in this also divided us kids. I'm the only one of my siblings that openly talks about my faith. My sister is agnostic. Two brothers I have no idea of. The other brother won't talk about his faith except to say he has one.

The faith of our fathers AND mothers influences us as children- for good or not.

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 06:53 AM

must be a reason why jesus ate with the publicans. I am not even sure dating is a christian way of life as a concept.

usually, spend time togather who are like minded for obivous reasons... to increase the phobia between you dont think like i do etc... is pretty much what nazis thought too.

Then there is another ball of wax... even among brethern it gets to be of theology etc, my church is more accurate, my style of worship is correct and holier.. where does it end?

I realize there are equall and opposite thoughts to what i have mentioned and quite valid ones too.

christian and non-christian gathering, i hate to see if no is invited to a church?

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 12:48 PM

I may be odd man out on this subject.

I am a born again Christian. Personal experiences have lead me to view one's character as the number1 trait.

Naturally, I look for Christ-seed values... is she/he kind, consider the lesser, honest, self-controlled. He/she will not be the full measure of Christ, but do they posses these innate qualities. Next, and this one would determine if a LTR is possible is....

Does he/she .. have a strong (family or social) belief that would oppose Christ?

I would consider a so called " non-christian" as I would a Christian for LTR/Marriage.

If your conscious/heart/convictions lead you to believe otherwise.. then please follow that. God Bless

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2010 11:28 AM

Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?

From my own personal expierance a Born again Christian an a Non~Christian have absolutely no foundation in which ta build upon...One has thier head an heart upon the LORD an the other has thier head an feet in the clouds an heart upon the things of this jus doesn't work no matter how much ya want it to...been there done that an not doin it

Some persons ( Non~Christians ) in these types of relationships are willin ta go to the depths for it work out an by GOD's grace...well...convert an a miricle happens...other times...its jus best ta bow out afor it gets nasty an hurtful... my expierance an opinion...There is NO Debate...

May GOD Bless US All in findin a Man/Women thats on the same page of the same book....:excited:...xo

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2010 01:49 AM

God gave us the command not to be unequally yoked for a good reason. A relationship/marriage with an unbeliever is just going to pull you away from God. As a christian The Lord Jesus Christ is my number 1 and to an unbeliever Jesus means nothing to them. That is already a huge conflict of interest.

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2010 07:34 AM

Welcome to the forums, Vinny:peace:

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Christian VS. Non-Christian: What's to Debate?
Posted : 19 Aug, 2010 11:10 AM

Hi Brother! You just appeared on my sceen. I had entered a chatrm very briefly and thought I had exited. I e-mailed a CDFF contact and when I was through, there you were, big as life.

I agree with what you say about being equally yoked. Many people are willing to date someone unsaved. It has to be desperation and / or lust. There, but for the grace of God go I.

The argument is, "I could be a witness, and lead him / her to Christ." I figure, what a way to cause confusion. How can I show your commitment to Christ and my example be that I am willing to be with you, unequally yoked.

It is like dating a druggy or alcoholic and telling them that they must be addiction free if they want this relatyionship to work? Huh?

I am DESPERATELY lonely. I have not found anyone in 58+ years. I hate to believe that God said, "No." I consider that I am doing something self sabotaging. My prayer as I entered this online venue was and remains, " God, help me drop any standard I have that is not Your standard, while maintaining every standard that is Yours' in Jesus' name."

May you walk into everything God has for you. Rudy

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