Author Thread: Can you be a Christian and a liberal?

Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 15 Jun, 2010 03:30 PM

I don't understand how one can be a liberal, believe in abortion, homosexuality, big government, etc and still be a born again Christian. I feel it goes against everything in the Bible. Am I from another planet??

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 15 Jun, 2010 04:05 PM

From another Planet ? Thats funny...:ROFL:...

I agree with ya...That ole Devil Satan believes in all that Sinful a Born Again Christain should know better what ta believe in...BTW...We are not of this World...sooo...maybe we are from another Planet...:excited:...Anywho...Hava Blessed day an Welcome to the Forums...xo

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 29 Jun, 2010 01:07 PM

Very true!

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2010 02:58 AM

Oh, these topics are so problematic for me. This could be potentially condemning on a site like this, but...

I do support gay marriage and the like. Why? There are a few reasons. I have friends who are gay, and they are some of the nicest and most fun people I know. Another reason is that there IS evidence that homosexuality is not a choice, but is in fact biological. It's stuff in the brain that I won't go into, but there is the possibility. For a long time, it caused me to struggle with my faith. Because of the fact that I don't believe homosexuality is a choice, I couldn't understand why God would make people who would be condemned just because of an oddity in the brain. It didn't seem right to me, and it still doesn't. I find many people close to my age are more accepting than people my parents' age... I wasn't going to change my stance on homosexuality. I don't need to in order to believe that I'm going to Heaven, which I know I am.

And because of the backlash I am confident would occur, I am also pro-choice. Before abortions were legalized, women often died in back alleys trying to end their pregnancy. Sometimes this happened because of a consensual relationship, but other times it happened after a rape. While I believe the baby has a right to live and I hate the idea of killing a child, I do support abortions in the case of rapes, when the baby would be severely disabled (there are some nasty diseases where the child's life would be nothing but pain until the baby died after a few years....) or when the mother's life is in danger simply by carrying the baby. If abortions were illegal, I firmly believe that thousands of women would die every year trying to abort the pregnancy anyway through dangerous and illegal ways.

Hmmm. I hope I didn't just offend anyone too much.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2010 05:33 AM

I don't think it's possible to have a gay marraige. Oh, they can legally go through with the cerimony and even if the state recognizes it, God won't.

It is reserved for a man and a woman.

I do believe the civil unions are needed to insure all rights, or benifits.

As for abortion, no, killing is never a solution. In the eyes of God it is detestable.

As for the mother not able to have a child without loosing her life, this is for the mother and her doctor to decide.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2010 11:28 AM

Being gay is a choice. Just like everything else. People are born with all kinds of tendencies. The point is to deny self in an attempt to avoid sin. Not to claim immunity because "I was born this way". Everyone is born with a tendency to sin. I guess that makes it ok for us to sin, it must be God's will.:ribbit: That's faulty logic. Anyway...I also don't mind non-christian gay people doing whatever they want, although I do have an issue when they insist on calling it marriage, but if they would call it something else there would be no problem. However, if a gay person wants to become a christian, they have to deny their sinful tendencies just like I do.

...and why do non-christian gay people want to be "joined" under a christian covenant anyway?


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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2010 11:32 AM

...and I can't even believe the pro-choice part. It's ok to kill millions of unborn children to save a thousand women? Faulty logic again? I'm sorry...but at least half of those babies are future women that will never have the choice to kill their children...doesn't seem fair:dunce:.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2010 12:39 PM

I'm fully aware that my views are not popular at ALL in any religious community, especially with people older than me. Most Christians I know who are close to my age share my views. My parents, however, write me off as being too young to understand what I'm talking about. Feel free to side along with them. I only stated my views in case there are people on here who agree with me, because I know there are Christians who do.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 21 Jul, 2010 05:57 PM

Well, I hope God changes your mind.:prayingm: I don't know any people my age that believe any of that and even if they did, it doesn't make it the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Destroying human life is a sin. If a gay person converts to Christianity then they have the same call to repent and turn from sin, and they receive the same forgiveness that a murderer, alcoholic, liar, adulterer, prostitute, or self-righteous person does. Just because they're born with a tendency does not mean God made them that way, and it does not mean they get a free pass. God did not make us to sin, God died to save us from sin. If they don't claim to be Christians then it's fine, they can do what they want. It's not our job to condemn the world, it's our job to witness to the world. As far as abortion goes, I guess it would depend on your view of when it becomes a separate life, but that's a dangerous guessing game. Either way you look at it, it would be terminating a growing human life, and if you can feel safe condoning it, then...well...I don't know. Anyway. These are just my views and I know people agree with me too. Unfortunately there's only one truth...and I hope we all pick the right one by a careful study of God's word.


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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2010 08:27 AM

I really don't believe it is a guessing thing about when life begins. In Jerimiah it talks about the Lord knowing him before He formed him in the belly... Homosexuality is sin, just like any other sin. Just because the world accepts something doesn't change God's law. Science suggests that murderer's brains are different also. Are we to say that God made thieves, child molesters, and murderers, so we shouldn't judge? That's a backward way of thinking. Sin is sin! It entered the world through Adam, and has been corrupting it ever since. Our only hope is to be not of this world, but a part of God's kingdom through faith in His son, Christ Jesus. Sift your thinking through the Bible. It takes most of the guessing out of life...

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 4 Aug, 2010 08:04 AM

I was liberal when I was young and thought I had all the answers but, then I grew up and checked with God and that liberalism flew right out the window....

I am going to say some things that may come off as inciting to argument, but that is not why this is being written. Rare for me to preface things this way, but I do so with the utmost care and respect for the poster and everyone else here. It's a challenge to have a discussion like this and remain unemotional to a certain degree, since these are topics that are close to most hearts and have been debated in the world for some time.

"I do support gay marriage and the like." - Though I as a person would love to agree with gays having the right to a civil union that would give them legal rights, it presents a challenge when this legal deceleration is a thinly veiled replacement for marriages. In a very real way, this union is a compromise in the world to give all of the same rights as one would have in a traditional marriage. Indeed, God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. And so long as it's been established that homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes, no amount of heartfelt concern and compassion for them is going to change the law of God.

"I have friends who are gay, and they are some of the nicest and most fun people I know." - I have gay friends as well I agree with this. However, they love me, I love them and they know my stance on marriage. I don't believe that we turn our backs on those we love merely because of their actions, but rather, my loving them does not condone the action. By the way, I was a Guardian Ad Litem for years and some of the nicest, well-spoken, fun-to-be-around people that I met were also pedophiles. My point being, that nice does not equate to right.

"Another reason is that there IS evidence that homosexuality is not a choice, but is in fact biological. It's stuff in the brain that I won't go into, but there is the possibility...." - There is also significant evidence that alcoholism is a genetic disorder. That there is research that lends itself to the understanding that a biochemical makeup for drinking to excess, alcoholism does indeed exist. So, since there is research, that makes it okay? Research merely points to an organic cause, does not necessarily mean that there isn't a God-based solution to that very same challenge. This culture has forgotten about the amazing hand of God that regenerates limbs and raises the dead - so genetics or not, God is bigger than any research.

"I am also pro-choice." - I do appreciate your logical and well-spoken views. However intelligent we are, however the world seeks to determine what is and is not correct, we as Christians are called to a standard that is beyond, yet inclusive, of a worldly standard. We don't always understand why things happen, or the bigger picture. When my son died, I assure you, I learned a great deal about life. And though my heart and head want so very much to offer an understanding and compassionate hand to those struggling with a choice such as, we have our law. This law is not always comforting or convenient, but it is still the law. The world debates on when life begins, when it's safe, etc...

But our good intentions do not supersede God's written and expressed law. It's only by His grace and love that we don't have to contend, generally, with the immediate results of sin, which is death.

Proverbs 14:12 (King James Bible)

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

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