
Posted : 15 Nov, 2013 07:23 PM

Let God be the center of the relationship. No other weapon will prosper against you. God protect, bless, and nurtured the seed of Life you sow. God strengthen your heart desire as He is the foundation the life that you both are going to build. A very good Christian Family.

I don't think I can have a good Christian Family if my husband is not a Christian. I need my King be the pilot of my family as He will bring our family more closer to God. I just hope I can find Him here in this site.

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Posted : 16 Nov, 2013 09:12 AM

A good step toward reaching that goal might be to leave behind the paganism/idolatry of the Catholic church. Speaking as a single Christian man, I would not consider dating or marrying a Catholic under any circumstances. Many others who actually know God's word will feel the same way.


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Posted : 16 Nov, 2013 06:52 PM


Your advice for the OP to get out of the "pagan catholic church" reminds me of an evangelical preacher/teacher I was listening to several years ago say, "even though Mother Teresa was a nice person she is burning in hell right now". All I can say about that teaching is how repugnant.

I am not a fan of the mainstream churches that includes the catholic church the same as it does the rest of the vast majority of the over 25,000 different Christian denominations. After all, it was a wise man that said if any of us was to ever join a perfect church, that church would no longer be perfect!

There is only one absolute truth aka the mind of Christ, and if any one of the 25 thousand plus Christian denominations were to advance to being on one accord with the mind of Christ (the same as the apostles were) they would stand out against all the rest of the churches who do not have all their doctrines right.

After all, God does not change, (other than extending mercy in place of judgment) and the same God who healed the sick and raised the dead through the first century church will do so again today. (If and when elders of a church who are worshipping in spirit and in truth anoint the sick and pray for their recovery because when the truth returns to the church ,so will miracles return to the church)

God is the one who performed the miracles done through Jesus and the Apostles because it is not the person with the anointing doing the miracle, but the anointing within the person that works miracles in the church.

Our faith is not just how much we believe but the truth, of whom we believe in,

Galatians 3:5

He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Blessings to you,

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Posted : 25 Nov, 2013 10:46 AM

I agree with this man: "Mother Teresa was a nice person she is burning in hell right now".


Because God's law reads," Idol worshipers do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God!"

Do you see idol worship in the Catholic Church or Orthodox Church as we see that?

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Posted : 25 Nov, 2013 12:27 PM

Hello Sister

I see idol worship in most churches as well as way too much judgment of others coming from churches who are not yet qualified to judge others. One thing most judgmental persons have in common with each other is when they point a finger at someone else they ignore the three fingers pointing back at them. This is the lesson within the parable comparing the speck within the eyes of others while ignoring the beam in our own eye.

On the other hand the good news is Jesus died for the sins of all persons and not just those who have acknowledged it.

Here is verse that tells us how Jesus is the savior of all men and especially of those who believe in Him........ NOT JUST THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HIM !!!

1 Timothy 4:10

For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

When Jesus said He was going to go prepare a place where father and son could be together he did not go to remodel heaven for us to be the place to live after we die (they were made just fine way back in the beginning) but through the Holy Spirit has come into the hearts of those who through their obedience to Him have called on Him to do so. This includes the hearts of all persons who got their start believing in Jesus. Then through their obedience and love of our Father in heaven they have entered the priesthood of the family of God through being baptized in the Holy Spirit. (see parable of the sower where not all who receive the seed of the word become fruit producing trees) The idea is for us to become "whether we live or we die we are always with the Lord," albeit to die and be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord because when a person dies the spirit goes back to God

The church has lost the understanding that teaches us how heaven and hell are not physical places but are descriptions of the status quo of the relations ship between us and our Father in heaven.

After all Jesus said He was in heaven while He was standing on earth (Jn 3;13) and the apostles said essentially the same thing by defining their citizenship as being from heaven while ministering to people on earth

This goes along with how we are taught to pray for the kingdom of heaven to come to earth in the words "thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in heaven".

Paul agrees with me in the following verse who speaks of someone getting to go to heaven by calling Christ down

Romans 10:6

But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

Incidentally I am quite confident that Mother teresa believed in Jesus as the resurrected Son of God who came to earth to redeem man unto God. Whether or not she was baptized in the Holy Spirit is not for me to say although I am of the opinion she had visions that seemed to be from a divine source.

Long story short I am worried about how Mother Teresa is doing right now anymore than I am about Lazarus the beggar.

Blessings to you,


PS. Even David said it did not matter whether he went to heaven or to hell as far as the presence of God is concerned because He is in both places

Psalm 139:8

If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

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Posted : 26 Nov, 2013 12:11 PM

You are very well versed and I agree with your wisdom.

Thank you for putting it out there for everyone to read and know the truth.

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Posted : 26 Nov, 2013 05:51 PM

@ Ivory, That's such a typical ignorant Protestant response. First of all, Catholics are not idol worshipers. If you were a student of Catholicism, which I doubt you are, you would know that. Secondly ,they are no more or less pagan than you are, assuming you are a protestant Christian that practices communion, believes in altar calls, worships on Sundays and attends a church that meets in a building called a church and has a single, head pastor.

So yes, you may say that you are responding as a good CHRISTIAN man, because you follow the teachings of the Church of the Usual Assumptions, but by no means are you not a participant in the same paganism as the Catholics.

Thirdly, I believe it takes a very insensitive person to attack the faith of someone else when they have no knowledge of the other person's religion/denomination. Furthermore, Catholicism is very big in the Philippines because of the Spanish influence there. It is as much a part of their heritage and culture as it is in Latin America. Suggesting someone leave their family's faith/religion is no way to reach out and help them find real Truth. We are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves not stubborn as mules and vicious as badgers. Lighten up, it's only religion. Criticize no one because you are always worthy of criticism yourself. Determine (judge) the intent of the heart not the meaning of the label.

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Posted : 8 Dec, 2013 02:14 PM

Well the word of God says Do not be yoked together with unbelievers 2 Cor 6:14. Why? cause a Christian way of life, which is not easy live by, should be between two people that believe the same things and do those things to honor God and put him as the center of their lives and marriage.

God bless,

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Posted : 18 Dec, 2013 10:43 AM

I think there needs to be more Christian men...period. They're in short supply! Us ladies need to evangelize more! :winksmile:

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Posted : 19 Dec, 2013 04:39 AM

Judge not,that you shall not be judged.

Matters of heaven and hell are in God's hands.Only Him who knows who goes to heaven or hell.

Mathew 7:21"not everyone who says to me Lord,Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven,BUT HE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN."

Instead of judging others, lets, as christians, strive to do God's will.

Knowing that only Him who knows the hearts of the sons of men(as Solomon said).

Lets strive to keep our hearts pure and preach the gospel in Truth and Spirit.

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Posted : 7 Sep, 2014 06:33 PM


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