Author Thread: The glory of God.

The glory of God.
Posted : 8 Jul, 2011 03:54 PM

Have you thought much about how you may glorify God with the marriage He may provide for you?

If you could bring more glory to Him by remaining single, would (do) you struggle with this?

How much thought / motive does glorifying God come into play with your desires and prayers for a spouse?

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The glory of God.
Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 05:12 PM

I realize the category of this forum is about the importance of having a spouse, but it would seem that there would be no importance without the foundation of Christ as our head.

From Q.1

If we place importance on our spouse, shouldn't it be because God has given us our spouse? And (to borrow economic terms) shouldn't we recognize that He will expect a return on His investment? Therefore, shouldn't we seek how we may glorify God with our marriage? Shouldn't husbands desire to follow the example of Christ and fulfill Ephesians 5:25-27? Shouldn't wives desire to glorify God by following a Biblical understanding of submission to their husbands? (Also Ephesians 5)

And shouldn't this extend outside the home to the harvest all around us, to the billions who still need Christ?

From Q.2

Most of us desire to be married (or at least marriage should be a part of that desire, right?. But we all recognize that not everyone gets to marry. If you have a strong desire to marry and the Lord says 'No,' then we need to daily surrender that desire and seek to trust Him, and glorify Him in all we say and do. A failure to surrender our desires to Him indicates a lack of faith in His desire to prosper those who love and fear Him, as well as a lack of submission to His sovereignty. Both are critical if we are to glorify God, which, by the way, should be our primary desire. Easier said than done? I'll confess it is. But this should be our greatest desire nonetheless.

Q.3 is reasonably self-explanitory, but cannot be over emphasized. How can we expect God to provide a spouse for us if our desires ultimately are selfish at their core rather than self-less. Doesn't James warn against this in chapter 4?

This presents a triple challenge which we all must (or should) face:

-We need to first and foremost place God first in and over our desires for a spouse.

-Then we need to trust in the Lord's decision. Whether He provides a spouse or leaves us single, to God be the glory. Make sure you are daily dying to self and learning to be holy as He is holy.

-If He leaves us single, accept that He has your best interest in mind and continue to walk in the Spirit.

If He provides a spouse, honor God by obeying your vows. Seek not only to glorify God by Biblically following your

role as husband or wife, but also seek Biblically that your spouse will stand before the judgment seat of Christ better than when you first met, and with a greater yield (Matthew 25) to return back to the Lord.

Only when Christ is of utmost importance to us can our spouse have any importance.

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The glory of God.
Posted : 23 Apr, 2012 08:48 AM

I think you are totally right :angel: we human with a selfish character are too impatient that we forget that God works on Time. i believe that one should just seek for God's Face and wait for his will to be done. He knows our desire and has a plan for us.

Glory be his Mighty Name!

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