Author Thread: Can you be a Christian and a liberal?

Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 15 Jun, 2010 03:30 PM

I don't understand how one can be a liberal, believe in abortion, homosexuality, big government, etc and still be a born again Christian. I feel it goes against everything in the Bible. Am I from another planet??

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 7 Aug, 2010 11:53 AM

I know some people that are Christian and Liberal. I have Liberal tendencies. It's not that they practice the same things as others but certain things they don't see as right such as war and putting someone to death if God calls on people to forgive. Obama is a Liberal Christian. So, it's not that bizzarre.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 10 Aug, 2010 09:11 PM

Ok so I had to reply since I saw someone saying that the younger generation is more open.

I being of the younger generation don't support gay marriage or abortion.

Here is my theory on abortion: God created that child for a purpose. God creates life. So God created that life when the child was concieved. So is it right for women to say well I was raped I'm going to end the child's life? How many women out there would take that child and love it as their own?

I guess everyone is different, but if the doctor told me this child your carrying is going to kill you unless you abort it I'd be saying no. Then I'd pray and trust God because he has a plan and a purpose for this child and for myself.

And for gay marriage I agree with what someone else said. If they'd call it something else ok. But marriage is man and a woman. I don't "hate" gays or what not. I have gay friends, but I just can't support them getting married.

So as for the original post. I don't see how someone can be a Christian and be a liberal. But then again a lot of people say they are a Christian and don't walk the life so I guess it all depends.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 10 Aug, 2010 11:13 PM

:applause: I agree with you!

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 27 Aug, 2010 11:24 PM

Hope you don't believe in the death penalty.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 27 Aug, 2010 11:29 PM

Yes as lone as you agree that abortion is wrong and that the death penalty is right

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 27 Aug, 2010 11:43 PM

I can I don't know about you. No offensive but this redunant conversation of morality just creates a gridlock, I'm totally baffled blown BLOWN away by this question.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 27 Aug, 2010 11:44 PM


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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 29 Aug, 2010 01:21 PM

You can't, not really. But the problem is that a lot of people have accepted some kind of popularized, watered-down form of Christianity and by doing so, they think that they are Christians. However, they are not born again. They are not fruitful and they display no evidence of a changed life. (See The Shack, Obama's faith, the emergent church, and on and on.)

Actually, the science for supporting homosexuality as inborn is deeply flawed. If you really dig down deep into it, you'll find that the studies weren't done with the proper methodology, haven't been reproduced, and weren't peer-reviewed. Going back to the beginning of this, with Kinsey -- his research suffered from the same problems. That means that the whole 1 out of 10 statistic is not only a lie, it's a huge lie. The actual numbers of homosexuals in the population are about 1/10th of that.

The most ridiculous tenant of liberalism is the concept that if the government takes my money and gives it to someone else, that counts as charity. Uhm, no. Charity is something that we as Christians are tasked with on an individual level -- not something we give to a secular government to do for us! Giving blesses both the receiver and the giver precisely because it is on an individual level. Jesus didn't call for us to grow the government and imagine that we were being holy by doing so; no, he called us to give; us to sacrifice; us to love.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 14 Sep, 2010 11:12 PM

Agreed - homosexuality and abortion are obviously forbidden by the Bible, and the conservative movement agrees with that. Big government? I don't personally like big government, but I don't think Scripture rules on that issue - simply we are to submit to the government we have, and participate as citizens, pay taxes, etc., but of course resist any true evil. The early Christians submitted to the Roman government, except insofar as bowing to the emperor and the religious implications of that, and refused to give up their faith in Jesus. So I feel we are in agreement with Christians with some of what the conservatives feel, but being a Christian and being a conservative are two different things. It is not about being liberal or conservative, but following God's ways - and we are citizens of heaven.

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Can you be a Christian and a liberal?
Posted : 14 Sep, 2010 11:16 PM

I meant we agree "as" Christians with some of the conservative views. And I would agree with the previous writer that charity is a personal, not a government matter.

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