Author Thread: Why can't the young and the old find the right person?

Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 12:16 PM

Why can't the young and the old find the right person for Marriage?

I am posting this in each section, because of the importance in getting responses.

I look back when I met my ex-wife 35 years ago. We bumped into each other in a parking lot. We smiled at each other, and then we talked to each other. Then I called her for a date and we both knew soon after, we were in love. We were not equally yoked, but the pastor from my church didn't put emphasis on the matter, after 27 years of marriage, then came our divorce. Can we really find Love on the Internet? Many say they can.

I have a son 30 and a daughter 24 and neither are in a relationship. I see more young people on here than the older ones. I believe people are not the same as they were 40 years ago. People today would rather surf the web for a date than look for a date. People in general don�t smile to strangers, let alone speak to strangers. If they do, they would rather text on the phone or email than call them again.

The core to the problem, people are interested in their gadgets and their busy lives more than the fellowship in talking with them in person. We need to get back to the Golden Rule that we have lost over the years. We should be kind and love everyone, that is what the Bible tells us to do!

Is it because we are living in the last days?

In the Book of Daniel he tells us people will go to and fro and knowledge will increase. We see this today in so many ways.

Another word for the Internet is going to and fro, along with how fast we can get anywhere on this earth today.

Would love to hear what others think about this issue.


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Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 15 Mar, 2011 12:36 PM

Personally for me...single is the new trend.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 15 Mar, 2011 01:30 PM


I agree with your opinion regarding the new technological ways we now communicate with each other. We have definiterly lost the art of true face to face talking and interacting with each other. I myself miss the way we used to communicate 30-40 years ago, when there was no other way but face to face not this blogging, texting,tweeting and emailing. We need to take time in our busy lifes to be human and not like robots going through our day. We need to connect with each other as humans through talking, touch (a hug) a smile (all you do is turn your frown into a smile).

You said you don't know why people go on websites to find love, companship etc. I think the above is the reason. It is so hard for people our age and younger because of all the technology we have out there it makes it so much easier to pick up a blackberry and text a message, email, facebook, etc. What I would like to know is how DO older/younger people meet publically now? Go to bars???

Thanks for your opinion, I think it really counts.

God Bless and have a wonderful Blessed day.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 03:10 PM

I'm always talking to women I don't know, if anything I find it much easier to get to know someone when I meet them in real life. Trouble is most aren't Christian. I don't think the internet has anything to do with anything either way. Peoples expectations of life are much more unrealistic and more materialistic than they used to be. I think people generally enter into relationships for what they perceive they can get from being with the other person. Maybe if we gave more to each other we would be more fulfilled and stay together.

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