Well, I thought I found someone that loved me and wanted to be with me and now tonight he dumped me with no reason at all and now im having to put myself out there again which hurts and makes me feel like a failure once again because I really don't believe there's anyone out there for me. All I wanted was to find someone that will love me and accept me for me and I guess that's too much to ask for because I am just not good enough for anyone to love me. Any thoughts?
Dear sister, so sorry to hear that u're hurt. Life has been and will always be full of disappointments,anguish, and insincere cruel people, but that shouldn't make u feel unworthy or not good enough, cause u're so precious and unconditionally loved by the Lord. Cast all your anxiety on Him, His faithful love will cure your pain, and make things right for u.
I'm sure there is someone out there for u, God will send him on time.... seek His will, just hang in there.
Just want you to know that you have someone who loves right where you are. It's the Lord and it saddens Him when you feel bad about yourself. He's all about your heart.
It sounds cliche' when you hear "there is someone for everyone" but it's true. When God has not brought that person into our lives that we will be with the rest of our lives, it gives us more time to prepare! We have to get ourselves ready...mind, will, emotions and body. Use this time to ask the Lord what you need to do...He'll answer.
It usually starts with the heart and the rewards are soooo great:)
(please message me if you want to discuss further)
well, the reason why I feel like most guys wouldnt love or accept me for who I am is because in the past, for the most part I would be rejected by guys because they didnt think i was pretty enough, thin enough, young enough, didn't have a lot of money or material things or wasnt into being wild and partying and they wanted a girl that was like that....in other words,unfortunately I just didnt measure up to their standards for what they like in a woman for whatever the reason may be.
i would be being insincere if i pretended to know what your going through, but i would like to encourage you never to give up. from what you have written, it seems to me that it was all one guy, meaning they were all the same. thinking back, do you think they were all the same? what were their similarities? what attracted you to them, or vice versa.
p.s. Jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so! it's not just a song :purpleangel:
I for one know how you feel, After 20 yrs of marriage my wife told me to leave due to she got on the net and had someone talk her into (what ever) - I've lost what I thought was my soul mate but the worst part is my kids and home was taken froim me and I'll never get it back - But God has a way of keeping me going and I'm sure he will do the same for you, Just trust in him and look deep within your heart when someone else is brought into your life, don't be quick to judge because he may have just been sent to you so that you can heal and become one under his guidence.
The same thing has happened to me so I think I can understand how you feel.
I will tell you what I did to help me feel better and "get back in the saddle". Maybe it will work for you if you want to try it.
I allowed myself to feel bad about the breakup. Not for very long, but I did allow myself to cry, rant, rave, etc. I talked about it with friends and people I trusted.
And then I moved on. Obviously God was protecting me and watching out for me, just as He always does. I thanked God I did not end up married to that person. And I asked God to help me remember all the good things about myself, and then I prayed that God would send someone who saw those things in me and protect me from anyone else.
First and foremost, I'm sorry that you're having to go through what you're going through, Angel.
What I want to share with you is based out of my own experience. I'm not passing judgments. I'm just sharing what I have learned. What you do with what I'm about to tell you is up to you. After all, it's just my thoughts.
I used to jump from one relationship to another. I thought that if I could just find that one woman for me, I would be happy. Every time I broke up with someone, I was back on the cutting block. At the time I thought I was just getting back on the horse. What does this world teach us? Ship has sailed. Moving on. Whatever! I'll find someone else.
But that's not how God intended it to be. I never really took the time to heal from those hurtful relationships. The feeling of hurt, pains, failures, abandonment, distrust, and disappointments stayed with me and into the next relationship. I didn't think that those pint up emotions inside of me would be considered baggage. Well. They were. And I was getting jaded.
God put forth a really good woman in front of me. But I was so jaded from the past relationships that I started to hurt my girlfriend, then, without knowing it. There were simple things that I did for my ex's in the past that I never did for her. And she knew it. She called me on it.
Wounded people, wound others. Hurt people, hurt others. We broke up. We both knew I needed a lot of healing. So I chose to stay single for 4 years to give God a chance to work on me.
I would advise you to step out of the norm. Take stock and self-evaluate. You may find that there's some healing that needs to take place.
Before we departed, she bought me a book by Steve Aterburn (don't know if I spelled that correctly)," Feeding Your Appetite." I read parts of it. But something stuck out the most when I read that book. All these years that I was trying to find the right woman to come into my life was really about filling a void in my heart that only God could fill. And to place a woman over my heart like that was a poor substitute for the real thing.
God is a lover who desires to be loved. It's hard to fathom, I know. So let me say that again. God is a lover who desires to be loved.
We were created in His image. Hence our desire to love and be loved. God desires to be loved out of choice and free will. It is the same with us, and what we seek with our life partner.
The very first romance recorded in the Bible was not between Adam and Eve. The very first romance was between God and Adam. It is a spiritual romance that is holy, pure, and divine. The physical (in the natural) romance with Adam and Eve is latter. Likewise, in our own search for true love, the spiritual romance with God should take precedence before fulfilling our desire for a life long partner in the natural.
If we can fulfill the first and greatest commandment, then we can fulfill the second greatest commandment. I never really knew what people meant by coming back to your first love, until now. The same way you would love a man is the same way God wants to be loved-out of choice and free will. He just wants to spend time with us, so we can get to know Him. Isn't that how we fall in love in the natural?
Finally, don't sell your self short of the things God promised. You are far too important to Him. He's crazy about you. So don't measure yourself according to you, or the people around you. Measure yourself according to His measure. See yourself not from your own eyes (since we're our own worst critic). But see yourself in the mirror and look at the image He's created.
Hope you fall madly in love very soon. He's waiting for you. Go romance His heart as David did. I promise you won't be disappointed ever again.