A few years ago I ran into a lady at a store and it was obvious that the lady was having a bad day. I wanted to give her good news to lift her mood. As I thought about things I found it intresting that the word 'gospel' can be translated to mean good news. but telling the girl 'I am sorry that you are having a rough day...but the good news is that one day you will die and then you will have peace, well telling someone that is in there 30's that it will get better when you die just does not scream encouragment (in my mind).' However I am not tottaly convinced that most people have had the Good News properly explained to them...So here we go!
First let me explain how time works. Samuel Clements (Mark Twain) said 'history might not repeat itself...but it certainly rhymes'.
I currently am writing this message using a laptop computer to write a note on a website...that a new thing correct? Well no, its a recycled idea. Before this new idea came along there was a new idea called email, and before that there was a fax machine, and before that there was phone calls, and before that was a telegraph wire, and before that was the mail, and before that was the passenger pigeon...but other than that writting messages on a website is new..sort of.
Do you guys know what the first prophecy that is recorded in the Bible is?
Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity (open hostility) Between you and the woman, And between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, And you shall [only] bruise His heel.”
Of course that is just an early record, but the same old story is told over and over and over. Allow me to explain the verse...most likely the people that are reading my note are the 'seed' or off spring of that woman, the exception to what I am saying is if you are dabbeling in wichcraft then my advice would be to stop living that way because you are on the loosing side.
So going back to the story, I am sorry to hear that the seed of satan is causing some people to have a lousy day, week, month, year, decade! The comfort (and I hope that people join with me in celebration) is that the seed of satan will soon have there hats handed to them! The evil ones are about to wake up to the start of a very long and completely devastating series of bad days.
I feel that I am limited in effecting some peoples happiness...but I am able to have a massive effect on the amount of joy that a person a has. (Which is the way that I want things!)