You know the saying "If God is for you who could be against you?" ? Well, it says in the Bible we would be hated by the world for His namesake. I've noticed that a lot of the friends I used to have don't seem to talk with me that much anymore after I got saved. I've even had some friends who I thought were christians block me after I asked them to pray for me. And some just continue to ignore me. I don't know if it has anything to do with my love for the Father, but if it does then the only thing I can say is that they need to come to Jesus. If they're offended when I bring up Jesus, if they were truly saved they hadn't are to be offended. I'll be honest, after the Lord saved me I love hearing the gospel. I don't know. Like I said, if they are offended or don't like that I love the Lord then I pray that if they are not truly right with God that they will get right with Him. It breaks my heart to know that there are some that don't know the Lord. I'd love to see them all in Heaven someday, but I don't know if they all will or not. One thing is for sure, no matter how many come against me, no matter how many turn their backs on me I'm not about to turn my back on Jesus. He is the best friend that I ever had.