Author Thread: A PLATFORM TO HIT

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Posted : 18 Apr, 2017 03:17 PM

WHY is it that when we have so much hopes to hear even one good letter from another being, so many feel right away or when they get your number it is time to let you have it in hits of every hatefilled thing they can say and do? Someone told me today, do not feel bad, that is why they are still alone. My last date told me he was that way and just drove women away because he felt he had to and that he realized he was messed up. But still, he could at times be so sweet and seeming to care, right before he turned the charm on and got someone else's number too when saying he loved me. So people ask why are you single, what's wrong with you? to me and want to know every juicy secret of my divorce. Do I ever ask them? I just wanted to tell you that no mater what hatefull things anyone has ever or will ever (I hope they never will) but if it happens, do not let it get to you. I know a fellow who tried to kill himself because of what some girl said to him . And then she came to see him at the hospital he said and told him how he was a coward and could not even get that right! Guys or gals can be mean. It does not mean we have no meaning or value or dreams and hopes because of it. Or that we do not deserve to be happy.

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