Author Thread: Dear John Letter....

Dear John Letter....
Posted : 1 Mar, 2009 09:24 PM

Just writing this to find out if anyone else has gone through what I've gone through....

I'm in the United States Air Force and I was deployed overseas to serve my country! I left a happily married man who had someone to come home to after my time was through. That changed much quicker than i had thought. Well I never thought it was going to change at all....I don't believe in Divorce and i never wanted that title....Turns out thats how it ended up. 20 days into my deployment I received an "Dear John" letter (well email) stating that she didn't love me anymore, never had, never will, and that she was leaving me. Now the email was of coarse much vulgar than that but those were the only clean words i could pull from it. She also told me through other emails and phone calls that everything she was portraying to be with me was a fake. She never loved God, hated church, hated the thought of God, and wanted nothing to do with Him. She confessed to using me for the money and the benefits. She used me in every possible way that she could. Mentally, Physically, emotionally, and financially. Well after I got through the rest of the 7 months I was overseas i returned home, by my self, to an apartment I was paying for while i was deployed that had nothing left of my things in it. She had sold my belongings or gave them away. I did find one thin... a letter from my wife. This letter was not addressed to me but to another man and had hearts and all that type of stuff written all over it. I didn't want to read it because I knew it could only make my heart hurt more. At this point I'm clueless as to why she left me other than she hated me. I have had no idea what I did wrong to end this marriage. I ended up reading this letter and just as it appeared it was a Love letter to other guy. This letter was an outline of everything she did while I was overseas. She basically expressed her love for this man and how much she enjoyed their "time" together. She was also apologizing to him for sleeping with two other men while he was gone for a week. (I'm not mentioned in this letter but once and thats her stating i was a mistake). There's much more to it but i was shocked even though i had an idea of thats what was going on. She then of coarse signed the letter with her maiden name which wasn't really a shock to me but it showed me how cold hearted she was.....thats just the beginning of it but I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through something like this.... Thanks for reading this and my heart goes out to those who have been through scenarios like this. God Bless!!!!

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Dear John Letter....
Posted : 2 Mar, 2009 11:53 AM

While I have never experience betrayal in that form, proverbialtruth, I do know what it feels like to have someone you loved and thought love you betray you. However, I'm happy to report that God really does heal a broken heart!:applause: I pray that you would allow him to do the same for you.

God Bless,


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Dear John Letter....
Posted : 17 Mar, 2009 06:34 AM

Hey Michael.

You are an amazing guy and I am truly sorry that you went through this. I'm fortunate to have had the opportunity to have spoken with ya and enjoy the fact that your faith continues to be your stronghold. God bless and know that they're people praying for you and care that you are mentally, physically, spiritually sound which is fantastic. Keep it up because God loves those who love Him. :angel:

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Dear John Letter....
Posted : 20 Mar, 2009 01:19 AM

I must first say how sorry i am to hear your story. No one deserves to be treated in that manner.

I do have a similar although not nearly as horrid story.I was not married, nor deployed( thank you for your service) , but did have a man i loved very very much more then words could truely describe, but in the end he chose his old girlfriend over a future with me and said " I could never love any one as much as her" after he told me " I love you more then i ever did "s" theres just something about you". I understand what its like to have so much love for someone and them to betray you and i hate yes i said hate that people have to go through pain like that.

But I am glad that God allowed me to experiance that time in my life. I learned a lot more then i ever could in any sunday school class or church service. I would constatly remind myself of Job and how much he too lost. I would think of people whose significant other passed away and i would just die inside to think that those people didnt choose to leave (in most cases) and yet the man i loved chose to leave me. It made no sense to me but i kept praying and read my bible tons and tons. I struggled with self confidance aswell as the broken heart.

But God truely opened my eyes to something wonderful. Loving those who hate me. I dont speak to my ex it still hurts way to much and i just dont want to be around people who can lie as good as he can. I want to be around men of their word and people who are christ like, liek the people at my church. But i do pray for him every single night, not that he would blow up and die a horid death or that he would experiance an even worse pain, but that he will learn to be a more Godly man, that he will find happiness, that he will suceed in all the dreams i know he has and that God will bless him. the break up as four months ago and forthree months i have not missed one night of praying for that boy.

God has healed me so much throught the power of praying for him. It still hurts a ton and i usually cry as i pray for him but I am in Gods hands and he is too. I know the day i stop praying for him will be the day i turn my back on God and his will for me and all the good i know he has planned for me. That day will never come.

It will hurt but pray for your ex wife. because she doesnt have God to help her she is hurting a lot more then you are she is lost and hurting and confused pray for her and you will find healing in it.

Just speaking from my heart

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Dear John Letter....
Posted : 12 May, 2009 09:03 PM

I have never experienced what you have experienced with your cheating wife since I have never been married in my 21 years, but, I know what you feel. The God who made you knows what you are going through. And only in Him you can find complete healing. Surely, someone created for you is waiting for you out there. My prayers are with you.

In Christ,


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Dear John Letter....
Posted : 20 Aug, 2009 04:41 PM

omg im so sorry. thats really is sad i kinda understand how you feel. honestly i think she was just there by your side to used you like she said. i wouldnt say she hates you but you type of girl that uses men which is sad. if i was her i would lucky to have a guy like you and be so happy to see you when you came home i would never do anything wrong or cheat or anything. especially i love god and if i was married i would love my husband all the way until the end. i experience alot things in life which i have few true friends and admire me cause how i am today. but i did experience something like that umm i meant a guy we talk for few months then i decided i wanted to go see him and like maybe start a life together cause we click real fast well i meant him he turn out a jerk and abusive me and put through emotions i never experience it hurt because he said he was christian and he loved god and he demanded me i need to be close when i was already to god which he always said me im not saved by god which he used bible with his desires so he one those people says in the bible you have to keep an eye on them. well i got pregnant and he said going change and he never did and try hurt when i was pregnant so i left. i never thought in my life i would get pregnant and had to leave cause i prefect having a good family and try raise my family with god in there life but now im alone noticing alot things in life but i know god has something better for my life and im going love this kid no matter what. but i found out after we broke up he used me for my money and my body and everything you can think of which hurt alot and he lied about him being close to god he said he wasnt really close he wants to enjoy life instead worry about being close to god. which hurt me there cause i could imagine how god feels. but i move on and loving life and looking out for myself cause there alot people that like to used people which is sad. sorry this was so long. but im glad your alright now. that had to been hard. if you dont me asking how long were you married with her? im glad she didnt make you become a bad person after she done to you cause most people do bad things and turn away from god but you kept strong and still follow god. you deserve the best trust me

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