Author Thread: Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.

Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.
Posted : 3 Mar, 2010 09:45 AM

Recently I thought that I had found and met the man of my dreams. He was everything I could have prayed and hoped for, but little did I know he was a sheep in wolf's clothing.

I wanted to start off as friends and he was cool with that. I told him I was a virgin, and he was really cool about that. A little too cool if I may say so myself. Then he dropped the L word on me. I told him that I could not say it because I want to make sure I mean it when I say it. Love is a word that is used so loosely and is only a word when there is NO action behind it. Plus, I was being caution with my heart.

Finally, even though I know God was showing me things about this person and throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the back of my head, I told this guy "I love you". Needless to say, he was estatic and so was I because I thought he loved me for me. We continued talking and was finding myself falling deeper and deeper in love (what "I" thought was love) with this person while having my suspicions on his true agenda and motives.

Anyway, he all the sudden wanted to marry me. I was like wow! This is moving a little fast, but I knew people who had fallen in love and gotten married 5 months after meeting and still have strong loving marriages today. I thought maybe it was happening for me too. HA! It was all but a lie.

A few months past by and were engaged. Then all of a sudden, just as quickly as he told me he love me, he just as quickly stop emailing, calling and texting and seeing me. I tried calling him but his phone was always shut off or he just wouldn't answer his phone or his messages. He even took me off his facebook page WHILE I was on facebook. The next couple of days he had a new woman and was so in love with her. How can you stop loving someone all the sudden? Had he told me that he wanted to do something else, I would have greatly moved aside and let him do whatever he felt he needed to do.

Anyway, it was hard letting go because this was the first man I had EVER said the words "I love you" to. But I thank God for leading me to fast for a week and really dig deeper than I have ever dug into his word before, because it prepared me for the heartbreak that I knew, in the back of my mind, was coming the following week. It happened so fast.

When he did what he did, it stung a bit I must admit, and I cried for like a day and was over it just like that. This all happened this past week.

But my advice is to GUARD YOUR HEART and allow God to PROTECT your mind. Your mind can be a very dangerous tool to pull you down. And remember,ALWAYS in ANY relationship, keep God in the center. Pray to God about your relationship and see if it is one of Him because the devil can and will sneek in anyway he can and try to destroy you or cause you to stumble and fall. Had I NOT been talking to God the whole time to guard me, I think I would be a total hot mess right about now (and there is much more to my story).

Remember, when it's true love it will be one built on first, the foundations of God and His Word. If the guy is taking a stand or being the leader, it's not really worth it. If the guy/girl isn't displaying the signs of 1 Corinthians 13 love, then maybe you should rethink your relationship. And finally, if someone is overly eagared for you to say you love them or tell you they love you super fast without KNOWING you as well as wanting to marry you, PLEASE whatever you do, RUN because something isn't right and I think that's what God was trying to tell me.

Anyway, God bless you all in your search for your soulmate! Because believe me, what God has for you is for you and it is well worth the wait for what God has.

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Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.
Posted : 8 Mar, 2010 02:48 PM

dear melb, and rob, welcome to the forums..

ole cattle

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Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.
Posted : 20 Mar, 2010 10:32 PM

Olivia, there are all kinds out there and I've met every one of them. It sucks and I'm still a wimpy softy!

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Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.
Posted : 8 Apr, 2010 08:54 PM

Hey Olivia, thanks for this post...we all need some good reminding from time to time about what's really out there. I'll keep in mind what your good advice is..."guard your heart always and keep God first in the relationship," I think I got it right. I've been trying this on-line dating thing since last Summer, haven't met anyone yet in person but almost came close and glad I held this guy off for a while, he was too anxious for me...he was good about e-mailing for awhile but then changed his mind, after a couple of weeks we stopped e-mailing to each other...sometimes their real and sometimes not, now I have someone who is really nice...we've only e-mailed and IMing, everything is good, and I believe it will stay that way too. God bless you, Olivia, in whomever you find, or when the Lord brings you that special man Himself.

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Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.
Posted : 11 Apr, 2010 01:10 PM

I can relate 100% to what you are saying here. I am guarding my heart, maybe a little too much. I have had my walls up, do not want to say why. I know that others read my posts on my profile. It is safer to guard our hearts and minds. I cannot hurt more than I am, the pain is just too great. I have enough on my plate then to put my heart out there for a guy. I am sorry, so sick and tired of people telling me that there is a soulmate for me, when I do not think that exists. I guess to some people. How can be when one has had so many failed relationships. Maybe that is real to some, but not to me. Well, take care. Time does heal, I do believe. I will be okay.

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Guard Your Heart Always...Your Life And Soul Depends On It.
Posted : 17 Apr, 2010 09:50 AM

Very True

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