Author Thread: WHERE IS THE LOVE

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Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 02:30 PM

Y is it so hard for me to find Christian friends? I find it to be a bit phony for ppl to say they love God and want to do His work yet they rejecet their sisters and brothers in Christ. I don't get it. Jesus is about love and acceptance. I seem to have get rejected by more Christians then the ppl in the world. I'm confused about this. At times I get so sadden by this that I lock myself in my room depressed that I'm always gettin rejected. Ppl claim to be Christians but yet can't love others.

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Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 02:37 PM

Hey, what do you mean by 'rejected'? And 'Ppl claim to be Christians but yet can't love others.'?


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Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 03:14 PM

dear ladi,,, hang around here forumin some ,,i don think folks here reject you.. they welcome you..

ole cattle

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Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 04:09 PM

I mean that Jesus loves and accepts everyone and the word of God states now correct me if im wrong to "LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF" LEV 19:18 ppl say they are christians and yet they hate others and look down on others as well. I thought that was self explanatory but ok. And cattle thats not true because so far i've been rejected by EVERYONE i've spoken to on here. All i did was spoke to ppl and got nasty messages and have been ignored.

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Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 05:28 PM

LadiT, we are all in different places in our lives and in our christianity. Please dont get frustrated, be patient. The right person will come, in the meantime make friends. Use this time to draw near to God...He delights in you ;)

Love n Blessings,


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Posted : 27 Feb, 2010 09:40 PM

dear ladi, i sure am sorry to hear you been treated that way... you deserve better..

ole cattle

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Posted : 28 Feb, 2010 02:30 AM


I just read your profile and your posts.

You are so young! You are also so Passionate about Life.

I would like to make a suggestion. Incorporate a "Delay Mechanism" into your Reaction Process. What I suggest is "Before you react to anything said or done to turn to The Man that is always with you...JESUS and ask Him what He thinks is the best reaction?"

This will give you that second or two to "evaluate" whether it is worth "disturbing" the Peace Jesus gives you or if it is better to just "Stamp the dust off and move on".

People can be Rude and just plain mean and "don't get me started on MEN!" The sooner you learn this...the more peaceful your life will be.

You have a wonderful gift that the Right Man will Cherish and appreciate. Hold on to it!

Count...One...two...before you react. You have no idea how Impressive that is to see! A person that has their emotions in Check! I'm not talking about a robot, but a Mature Adult with Discernment.

We are your Brothers and Sisters here. Ask of us anything!

God proves good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks.

It's a good thing to quietly Hope, quietly Hope for help from God.

Lamentations 3: 25-26


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Posted : 28 Feb, 2010 05:55 PM

LadiT... my sister... Love is right HERE...!!!!

I feel bad reading about your frustration... You have felt rejected in this dating site... that hurts, but.. remember... they are not what they say to be... forgive and keep going without more pain in your heart that that one to help you learn...

The children of God are "spread" all over the world... you will find some of them, more than just some of them, for sure!!!.... Right now you are in the perfect place... you have become part of a group of men and women who love God and follow Him no matter the way their life have been... just take a look to our profiles... you will see how different we all are.... I am speaking about this group which is talking to you... you will know more of them, be patient... you will find love here among us...

This is the first site I signed in, on last December, after years of an almost "life as a nun"... don't laugh, really... I received an advised from a friend here, he told me to come to the Forum, and that was amazing, because as this is my first time in a Christian Forum I was excited like a little girl, almost forgot the "dating" side of it. Sometimes I write, sometimes I just read... but every day I know more people who, like you, come and share their life, believes, concerns and wisdom... nobody has been rejected here, not by those who have already written to you... right here...

One thing you have to learn... Remember that God loves EVERY ONE OF US, believers or not believers... when He allows us to be in contact He knows that some of us will hurt others, because we are in different times of our lives and we all come from different background ...

This is my point: Remember that God is treating here with more than one life, not only yours... If a man mistreats you or he is vulgar with you and you reply with wisdom and forgiveness... he will keep that in his mind forever...

You will find hard studies of the Word of God, you will find other people experiences, and you will find a very happy and funny Christian Community...

And.... yes, young lady...sweet sister... you will find the man for your life here or wherever God decides to give that gift to you... in the meantime... Come and rejoice with us!!! :yay:

You have studied the Word.... Share it!!

You are young and full of energy... Share it!!

You want to laugh.... Oh!!! come and laugh!!

But... never get discouraged.... Don't evaluate the real children of the God of Love because some "wolves" come to disturb the peace of the flock... Forgive them and show to your Father that you are learning to give love whether you receive it back or not...

A long life is in front of you...!!! start running without looking to the sides of the road!!! You have time to pray and wait patiently... Hello!!! we... the ones who have more than 40 Aprils we have time too!!! So raise your head and be HAPPY...

Love you...


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Posted : 28 Feb, 2010 07:11 PM

Lady T,-- Cattle, Agnos, and Arch and the rest all gave excellent advice. You DO have friends. Hang in there. Keep your eyes on these forums. They are so helpful. When I first signed on almost 3 months ago, I didn't think I had a friend in this world, (except God--God is always there) Just like you, I got the courage to submit my first question to these forums. I read all their contributions as often as I can. The wisdom I glean from some of these people is so helpful. Sometimes you read a anwser to someone else's post and it's like they are talking to "you". Sometimes I can't help but wonder why some of these nice folks are even on this website. Why someone hasn't snatched them up already.

Yes, there are people who claim to be Christians who are not. That's everywhere. Don't give up. Archi, Agnos, Remp, Cattle, Grace, Storm-the list just goes on, listen to 'em. Pray, contribute, true Christians are out there. In the mean time, read the forums, put in your 2cents worth. Just don't give up!!

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Posted : 2 Mar, 2010 08:36 AM

I read your note and tears started blurring my vision. I feel your pain because I been through this before 5 years ago and it took prayer to get me out of that state of mind. It took sitting on the floor and pouring my heart out to the Lord in tears until there were no more tears. Encouraging and uplifting words of supports of good friends and families (such as your friends here) and their prayer to help me rise and shine and stand up with faith. You can and you will too, just have faith and hold on..

Here is a few things I do ot focus on to help.

1. Pray to begin and end your day and throughout the day.

2. Look at your self in the mirror to see all the positive things that you can see about your self. thank God for it and know that you are a good women and you alot to offer that man that God will give you. Not when you want him but when God seeth it fit to put him in your life. (DO NOT Look for negative things. Pray if you are tempted to start thing that way.God will fix it for you.)

3. keep a song in your heart

4. SMILE - it is a ray of sunshine and brighten your path and others will join you in smiling.

5. Reach out to others- by saying something honest but truthful not flattery! Or help some one in anyway.

6. Surround your self with positive people and discourage others from being negative by counteracting it with positive words, tones and action.

7. Look for the oppurtunities in life that God will present to you to tell others about him...

God bless you sister. (Here is a couple songs I need you to listen to to help you....

1. " He'll do it again for you,...he'll do it again, just take a looking now at where you are and where you have been..."

I am running the race, I am running the race to win, some times I feel like giving up and going back into sin but I'm still running the race, I run the race to win..."

You are loved.

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Posted : 2 Mar, 2010 06:00 PM

Hey LadiT,

Thank you for being here. I agree with you that there are christians out there that aren�t as close to God as others. And some of them haven't completely opened their hearts to Him. It makes me think of the 7 churches in Rev. But I'm sure you know that one day every knee shall bow. Each one of us will have to answer to the Big Boss. I know what I have to answer to.

Please don't let other sinners steal your joy. My wife left me last year and I'm still having a tough time dealing with that rejection. And it is so hard for me not to be bitter toward her for that. T his situation that we have reminds me how many people around the world openly and subconsciously reject Jesus inspite of the sacrifice that He made so long before they even came around. Lets be joyful that we have the opportunity to God and pray for these people by name.

Hey, guess what I just noticed? You've made 10 new christian friends in just 4 days! That's 2.5 friends per day! Try that at the mall.

I look forward to seeing you around.



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