Author Thread: groweth harmones

groweth harmones
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 09:43 AM

I guessed that this should go here. I know that not all the bible scholars come here but parents do.

At work recently I had a discussion with my boss about food and animals. She has a degree in the medical field and has worked with animals.Her daughter is a RN.

Did you know that groweth harmones that animals eat also go into your bodies????

what do they do???

My bosses daughter has 3 girls of her own.She only buys organic foods for them that come from animals.


Because the harmones bring sexual activity at a earlier age.

Otherwise it makes young girls and boys bodies mature faster. This is a medical fact.

So, buying organic foods is more than just smart it restores the body to where it should be.

maybe this is why we have some of our problems today chemicals in foods.

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groweth harmones
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 01:58 PM

Man I'm with you, all the hormones in food are pushing people's bodies faster, harder, and earlier. I'm all about choices in food. I Cooked professionally for ten years, and now work at Trader Joe's. For those who know what Trader Joe's is, they'll understand that we focus on "organic" food, and most of the staff is very knowledgeable on these types of products, and the preparation and other things that go into/don't go into them.

I'm about to talk out of both sides of my mouth, so feel free to jump on me y'all, but I speak the truth.:glow:

I believe that agriculture is a business. I believe that the point of business is to bring in money. I don't know anyone that consistently loses money, and still has a business. While I don't trust all the chemicals that are put on food, a lot are proven to keep us safe. Also, animals are fed hormones so that they grow bigger. Less animals+more product going out =lots of money.

Also, a lot of these chemicals make food last longer. I believe in organic food. I don't eat my own organic food, because the neighborhood cats have taken over my garden. While they keep the squirrels away, I don't feel like eating tomatoes that are fertilized in cat droppings. I understand that that's what fertilizer is, but EEW! God's dirt is just fine for me! I'd suggest that folks seek out meat (and vegetables) Grown without hormones. That being said, I refuse to buy or eat anything that's never been fed an anti-biotic. It's like saying: I've never been to the doctor, so I must be healthy.

The worst part about all this is that the "premature puberty" can't be reversed. Also, you are your own best advocate! Check out third-party certifications for organic/free range/ no antibiotic, etc etc. The U.S.D.A. and the F.D.A. have different standards for all these things, so it's something each person needs to learn for themselves. *Now stepping off my soapbox, thank you*, and best of luck man!

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groweth harmones
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 05:44 PM

Skinnywhiteboy, I disagree with you on one thing. The antibiotics issue. I am AGAINST getting animal products with antibiotics. The reason is because when you ingest animal products from animals who have been given antibiotics, just like with hormones, you are ingesting low levels of antibiotics. There is a certain level of antibiotics (it's usually penicillin) that is in animal products unless it specifically states it is antibiotic free. This has contributed to the increasing ineffectiveness of antibiotics. Combine that with people who do not use antibiotics as directed by their doctor, and what was a miracle drug not that long ago is now almost obsolete and ineffective.

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groweth harmones
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 10:32 AM

I have known this for years.. my daughters DR clued me in many years ago when she was young..

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groweth harmones
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 11:51 AM

Hey cowgirl, to each their own! I'm glad you've chosen to learn this much about it!:glow:

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