Author Thread: Divorce

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Posted : 2 Sep, 2009 05:00 PM

Gals and Guys, is there REALLY any such thing as an amicable divorce? I dont get it when people say that. I feel its just cliche but am I wrong?

If you REALLY loved your spouse (at any point), how can divorce be amicable? At the root of divorce is a trigger of misunderstanding. We can agree to disagree, I get that. We can become best of friends after the divorce, I (somewhat) get that. But can the process be amicable?

I am not proposing that divorce should be bitter, because with God's grace of forgiveness, you can come to love that person again (as we owe all men love) but how can there be amicable divorce?

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Posted : 2 Sep, 2009 05:41 PM

mines been more or less fine so far, we just dont argue, do whats right for the kids and delt with things the right way.

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Posted : 4 Sep, 2009 08:39 AM

Greetings Shunammite... It's not to say that you are wrong because we all are entitled to our own opinion and deal with things differently (Especially when it comes to the circumstances of the break up or when we're protecting our hearts). So sometimes you have to gradually grow into being amicable during your divorce. For you are totally correct on one thing, and it is written that "a friend loveth at all times" (Proverbs 17:17), "so that means through the good, bad and the ugly". You see, you were friends entering into a loving marriages, so as the old saying goes; "you must go back out of the room as you entered" (being that there is only one door to a room & you must leave with the same things you had when you entered into the room with)...

More importantly God says that vengeance is His and that anger only stirreth up strife, but love coverreth all sins. So as a child of God, we are not to hold onto that anger nor keep reflecting back on it (because we only place stumbling blocks in our pathway & carry the baggage's into our next relationship, which make us lose sight on where we are going with the future)...

In my case, the only way that I could be cordial or amicable during my divorce's was to realize and tell myself that if I truly loved them, "I'd want to see them happy" (and evidently I didn't make them happy, "if they had felt the need to put their hands on me")... So again, as there is a time and season for everything under the sun, we have to find reasoning & purpose "inside ourselves" in order to get past the anger and be amicable towards one another during and after the divorce ("especially when there are either small children or adult children involved, because you don't want them having to choose or become violent")... There is another saying, that if you play with dirt, "dirt will get into your eyes" (so why make the situation bad for everyone involved?)... Furthermore, "you never want to burn your bridges, because you never know who has to bring you that last glass of water"... I pray that this was helpful in shedding logic, and it is my sincere prayers that you be blessed in all that you do...

Sincerely, AnotherChance2*

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Posted : 11 Sep, 2009 07:28 PM

Well, I will just give my testimony. My X and I filed for the divorce together side by side at the courthouse in front of the clerk's desk. He would sign a page and I would look it over and sign, then we would hand it over to the lady across the counter and she would stamp it and she was looking at us like, "they are here together filing this??" She thought I was his girlfriend there to support him filing against his wife and when she found out I was the wife, she was shocked! With each passing of pages, I had a huge smile on my face because the nightmare was finally over. We didn't argue, there was no ill-will and we actually walked out of the courthouse and into the courthouse together. It was awesome!!! It was the most compromising, peaceful, getting along times we EVER had! So, by the grace of God I was blessed from the beginning to end and the divorce ONLY took one month to be finalized!

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