Something i would like to share(some will agree with me). It's true that courtship is there so that we can try to find if it can work on longterm between two persons. BUT you have to be very careful, some persons are too eager to find someone that they are not choosy, they take what comes. you should not, because when you are in a relationship, you put your feelings in it, and when you are deceived you fall into pieces. don't collectionate girlfriends/boyfriends, it leads to failure and destroy your selfesteem, you won't wonder what's wrong with her/him but what's wrong with ME and you'll see yourself as less than nothing. Wait take time to be sure that God is sending you the one, pray, fast if necessary. God never fails.
the advice i would like to give is to observe the person you're interested with carefully and to know your worth before you get in a relationship. God says you are special to me, you're my princess and prince. you are intelligent, you are good. Satan is telling you that you are not worthy, you're the worst person on earth but don't forget that he's the father of the liar. But God is telling you. i'm with you always, take your time, it's never too late. God has always a plan B. it's better to be single instead of being in bad company. you have a lot to give and you deserve someone who will recognize it.
Before you get in a relationship, it happened for me, God will show you the true character of the person and your conscience will tell you what to do. However if you know how the person is and you insist then noone cannot do anything for you and maybe when you are busy chasing a stone, a diamond will come next to you and you won't recognize it.
I agree with you, there are so many people looking for a relationship without really looking what the other person is like. I myself had been in relationships like these, just because I felt lonely or curious or just the illusion of how good the other person is.
I really wish next time I choose a person, I can do what you said, choosing by God's guidance, rather than my own feelings.