I am a dreamer at heart. Always wanting more and reaching for the stars, if not for myself but for my family as well. Being driven to have high expectations for no one but my own. Trying very hard to obtain the countless list of aspirations. In reality, I constantly am in turmoil within myself. Never having been satisfied and enjoy the moment where I am now. Always rushing to get where I want to be but not enjoying in between times. I�m always analyzing why am I always frustrated, worrying, rushing, miserable at times and it would be always something an attainable or an realistic expectations that comes to mind. Or thoughts can be coming to your head saying you could have done better or tried harder. I�m sure we have all been there to where we have spent many times trying to make excuses, blaming other�s for our misery. Trying to come up with countless reasons and try to validate the way we are due to our up bringing or society and even the given situations that comes to pass.
In my opinion, we really don�t have any control of anything outside ourselves. We can control the way we think, our actions we can control, how we respond to people or crisis when it comes our way. I know based on my given state of mind. Whenever I for some reason feel as though I�m depressed, I try to question and pause what have I been thinking about lately. The answer would be that I�m quick to list what I haven�t accomplished yet and what I still want to do. What I needed to be doing is to spend time to replace any negative thought with a positive one. Always see and recognize where you came from to where you are now.
It�s difficult to look at yourself to an extent and determined you are the way you are. I know I need to stop looking outside of myself, questioning others, trying to take control of everything to make it the way I want things to go. In my opinion, to accept yourself also comes with learning to accept other�s for the way they are. We really can�t force other�s to act a certain way, or have them do what we would like them to do. Learning to let go of all anxiety, worry and to trade it for peace within yourself is one of the things we owe to ourselves. I know I am in constant practice. I am battling with my mind daily looking at the positive and learning to accept me for my own unique ways.
To compare ourselves to others, to judge other people and be envious that we are not like them. Trying to act like people we admire is not the correct way to accept yourself. Whatever it may be, learn to do it for you and no one else. Place yourself on the top priority that you will do what it takes to make you happy. Once you have peace, love and joy within yourself. You can then transfer that over to your loved ones around you. I crave so much to have that confidence and self-esteem to be sure that yes I like the way that I am, love how I take care of myself and how I portray to others. Having to erase that small portion of doubt, negativity, fear and insecurity can be very reassuring. To know without certainty that you have come closer to learning to accept yourself for who you are and that�s what inner beauty is about.
Wow. :applause: I agree with about 99% of that, its wonderful! Thanks WhatIsAMan.
Have you ever like met someone who was not outwardly physically attractive, but their spirits exuded beauty so much so that they became gorgeous in your eyes? Alot of people are like that. I think at the core of it all, if the heart is beautiful, so are we.
Of course, beauty is not synonymous with attraction. I can admire the Lord's spirit in someone, without physical attraction to that person.
My Only prayer is that She would see herself though Gods eyes and not see her self though hers and that she would lose her self in God so I can find her
But in the mean time am waiting by God till she sees her self
I used to try and find myself, but now I'm not so into it. I figured if I "lose" my life "for Christ's sake" and thereby find myself. :D
But we all go through different stages, I may just loop back around and start trying to find myself again.
Accepting yourself is really the secret though. Think about it, God made the word...the garden, with the tree of Knowledge whether to do good or evil right there, but what did God say about His creation? "And God said 'it is good'. :D
So, if God can make a world designed to give men and women the possibilities to choose good or evil, and still think its good, how much more should we accept ourselves. Own our strengths and weaknesses and move on from there?