Author Thread: Clinical dpression and online dating!

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 10:19 AM

Not all depression is the same, from temporary to longivity. Some depressions are brought on by chemical imbalances such as low serotonin, car accidents, menopause and still others by loss of income, death of a child, husband wife, divorce, adultery, etc etc.

1.Should you tell your online interest of your depression? And how long that you have been experiencing it?

2. Do you think a special interest ( mate) will eliminate your depression?

3.Can a new mate bring you out of your depression if it was caused by a loss of a husband wife etc, etc?

4. Does depression leave you feeling conflicted about your christian beliefs.

5. Do you think some depressions are influnced by demonic spirits?

6. Should two people hook up if they both are clinically depressed?

Please exchange your views so that we can learn?

God bless you,,,, Bruce,,,( hedgedweller)


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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 10:26 AM

One in fiive people will be diagnosed for depression in a given year while over 50% are tknow o have clinical depression. Women are twice as more likely as men to experience unbalanced serotonin even being brought on by menopause.

Here are a few key signs of depression:

Daily sadness

Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed

Restless, anxious or irritable behavior

Trouble concentrating, focusing or remembering

Excessive weariness and lethargy

Sleeping or eating too much or too little

Unexplained aches and pains

Thoughts of suicide or death

If you recognize any of these symptoms persisting in a spouse for more than a few weeks, check with your family doctor.

Preparing Yourself.

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 10:31 AM

Is this kind of depression cause by spirits or strickly association?

Deep sorrow can be infectious, and it�s not uncommon for caregivers and mates to develop symptoms of depression themselves. Guard against this possibility by eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and staying in the Word.

Also keep an eye on your kids. Children are often vulnerable to a parent�s anxiety. One study indicates that 20% of 10-year-olds whose mothers suffered from depression were themselves victims within five years.

Please tell us? Is this generational spirits or heriditary imbalances only?

Hedgedweller,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:peace:out,, !!!

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 06:31 PM

I have Fibromyalgia, and one of the symptoms is depression. I take medicine daily to keep it under control. I know that the medicine is helping to balance the chemicals in my brain. I do have days when I feel sad about something that has happened, but I feel much better this year than I did this time last year.

The encouragement from the forums and the emails & calls that I receive from men online really hellp me to see some chance of a better future. I went offline at one time, and I felt as if I had lost all of my friends. It really helped me to get back to this site. I believe that God is using several people on this site to encourage me and others who are having a rough time.

God is the ultimate One who can change our ways of thinking and heal us from depression. He knows who we need in our lives to love us the way that we need to be loved. He also sends us to those who need our kinds of love.

SJC1985 :glow:

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 07:25 PM

As I have already shared with several men on this site, I do get treatment for my depression caused by Fibromyalgia. I am an open and honest person who believes in sharing important things going on in my life. The depression began when I found out that my ex-husband was addicted to pornography. I worked very hard for 8 years to help with the problem, but he refused to leave it alone and repent. Several other auto-immune problems took over and I am no longer able to teach. IF GOD CHOOSES TO TAKE ALL OF THIS AWAY, I WOULD BE SO THANKFUL AND I WOULD BE ABLE TO TEACH AGAIN!! IF GOD'S WILL IS FOR ME TO OBTAIN DISABILITY, THEN I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR HIS PROVISION.

I know from experience that when God puts a man in my life who truly loves me, I am able to get over the depression.

Even if we do not get married, then we have many emails and/or calls that brighten each day!

In my case, my depression was caused by a husband who was very selfish and did not love me. I do believe that God has a man out there somewhere who can love me for who I am. He will be a husband who can, with God's leading, help me out of the depression.

When I first tried to deal with my depression, I did wonder what I did or did not do that caused it. After talking with my doctor about it, I realized that it was a chemical imbalance, which was from Fibromyalgia. I prayed a lot about the cause, and God took away all doubt and all of the false assumptions that I had made - such as a lack of belief of His healing.

I believe that the demonic spirits causing my ex-husband to keep going with the progressive porn. addiction definitely caused my depression. Satan is working over-time to destroy families. Not all depression is from Satan. It can be caused by the chemical imbalance in the brain.

I have been told that a depressed person should not spend time with other depressed people. If both man and woman are getting treatment and are not depressed as long as they are getting treated, they could certainly help each other to be happy. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! THEY CAN LIFT EACH OTHER UP!!

SJC1985 :glow:

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 08:03 PM

Based on my depression that I have experienced at different times in my life, the cause(s) were based on circumstances that were beyond my control. I have learned to turn the things that I could not change over to God. I have gone through a lot of Christian counseling, and one main thing that I remember is: "Happiness is a Choice"(this is a book title). I KNOW THAT GOD WANTS ALL OF HIS CHILDREN TO BE HAPPY. HE CAN HELP A COUPLE REMAIN HAPPY NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!! AS LONG AS GOD IS IN THE CENTER OF THE MARRIAGE, THERE WILL BE TRUE HAPPINESS!!

Depression can be caused by things that Satan "throws at us". It is up to us as to how we deal with them. It is possible to become depressed if a person is around one who is depressed. The neat thing that I have learned by experience is that I can say and/or do things to help the one who is depressed, instead of allowing myself to be "dragged down". A PASTOR TOLD ME ONCE THAT ONE THING THAT HELPS DEPRESSION IS TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP OTHERS!!

I welcome any questions that you may have about depression. I have learned all these years that it is not anything to be ashamed of. It is not caused by a lack of faith. We, as Christians, just need help in learning how to deal with the "unfair things in life". God wants us to lean on Him.

SJC1985 :glow:

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 2 Sep, 2008 04:06 AM

I do believe that depression can be caused by a lot of different things. Some, I feel, are temporary and others more of a clinical nature. I experienced depression when losing my spouse and really before, while shouldering the responisbility of family, bills, sickness, etc...It's a given that life sometimes gives you a kick in the stomach...Please note that I said life and not God. These are times when you really have to dig deep and pull out that reservoir of living water to sustain you. I don't think it's healthy to gravitate to a relationship while in this state, but rather move to friendship.

Once healing is taking place, then move forward. As far as on line relationships are concerned...Well, I don't know...If you are depending on this for your salvation and not anything else in life it probably isn't going to happen. It wouldn't be fair to you or the other person if you are depending on them as your lifeline. You first have to know yourself before you can give it to someone else. Please know that the "down" times in your life are also the times that God can build a nest and stay. He can and will lift you up and out of this time if you let Him.

I do believe that temporary depression, as previously stated, can be brought on by circumstances and life. I do feel that long term depression can be of a medical nature. I also believe that Satan can bring on depression....It is something that has to be assessed and dealt with, accordingly. As long as God is the center of our lives and we recognize the symptoms then we can deal.


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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 23 Nov, 2008 01:50 PM

Hi, my names is james. I was reading Your article about Depression. I found it very interesting and informative. I myself have bouts with depression. My stems from my spinal cord injury. What i have learn, I'm still doing allot of that these days. Is that i need to focus on the things that i can do. and not the things that i cannot do. God answer my prayers and let me walk and take care of myself. I'm very bless because only 10% of the people with the type of injury i had every walks again. I've also try not to let thinks depress me that i have no control over. just go with the flow and pray about it. My biggest think i get depressed about now. is why the doctor can't find a fix or treatment for the pain i have in my neck and shoulders. I've been to serval with no results. So all i can do is pray about it and leave it in gods hands. I know god said he will never put more on you than you can't handle. But there are days i wonder about that. Sorry to take up your time, just wanted to put my 2 cents in, and hopefully it will help someone

god bless you


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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 5 Dec, 2008 12:05 AM

Lately I have noticed that I get anxious and depressed when I start dating someone. I get very intense feelings about them. I even start having chest pains. I feel so conflicted. I'm unhappy being alone and unhappy being in a relationship. First I want a relationship -- then I don't. When you're older, it gets so complicated. You have to deal with grown children ( who usually try to break you up through selfishness and jealousy) and lingering bad feelings from failed relationships on both sides. Then there's the problem of most men getting involved with women solely for the purpose of sex. It all gets to be too much. :excited:

Can anyone relate? How have you dealt with this issues?

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 5 Dec, 2008 09:33 AM

When I start to feel depressed, the only thing that seems to help is for me to help someone else. I can get temporary relief from finding a woman who is interested in me, but long term relief only comes from putting someone before myself. I find these sites helpful in that there is always someone reaching out for help.

Now if something develops from that, praise God, but it is really about changing my focus away from self. I guess that makes mine a product of selfishness. Otherwise, I wouldn't experience relief from shifting my focus. I may not be a normal case, because helping others is so important in my life. Maybe I am just a selfish person underneath, and have to constantly fight it.

I know, for me, there is nothing like the elation that comes from knowing you are truly helping someone deal with their problems.

Be blessed,


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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 6 Dec, 2008 06:20 PM

Hi Artistic,

Since you took the time to email me and listed this post I thought maybe I could say a few words about depression. I have taken medication for depression for a very long time so I understand what that means. However I haven't been in a meaningful relationship since my divorce almost a year and half ago. Now I'm no counselor but I would think that starting a relationship could cause you to be anxious but I don't know why it would depress you. If you've had a couple of bad experiences with men that might be the cause for some depression.

There are a lot of kind and compassionate men out there so just be patient and when you start a relationship just go slow and do things that you both enjoy. As you said the sand and water on the beach is a healing experience.

Sincerely, cgcore:prayingm:

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