Author Thread: Manipulation

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Posted : 30 May, 2024 08:28 AM

I didn't find a thread on this. What are examples? I'll share a recent experience here and my own past ones, but y'all go first by all means.

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Posted : 30 May, 2024 11:52 AM


She manipulated me with sweet words, kind words and generous words

before having children with me.


she manipulated me with threats.

The children are a good gift from God,

but their mother is something else.

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Posted : 30 May, 2024 12:30 PM

Oh dude, i feel your pain but not to that extent

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Posted : 30 May, 2024 12:31 PM

I don't feel I was ever manipulated because you cannot be manipulated , if you don't let yourself be used.

My ex husband was a good man so, it was hard to move on as a divorced woman.

I've never felt used . Maybe a man felt used but he shouldn't have .

I'm not desperate to get married. But been asked.

I'm on other Venues for dating.


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Posted : 30 May, 2024 05:17 PM

WNT correct me if I'm wrong but you brought your Foreign wife to the US. If so then that was the problem or at least a big part of it anyway. She did the same thing that many Foreign wives do once they get a taste of the power of feminism.

Power corrupts and absolute feminist power corrupts absolutely.

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Posted : 30 May, 2024 11:57 PM

Is it manipulation or the fact that when someone no longer wants they no longer want you.

And all the things they use to do say and feel towards you no longer apply…:-)

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Posted : 31 May, 2024 03:38 AM

She said that if I did not get her to the United States that I would never see my kids again - that she would hide them somewhere in the Philippines and that I would never find them.

She caused me to lose 10,000 USD and my plane flight ticket and said that if I tried to recover it, I would never see my kids. She claimed this would be the last issue and that there would never be another issue. Then she cost me millions of dollars and I have not stopped paying for my relationship with her.

Yes, I have errored, and yes, I was manipulated.

Of course, Jesus paid a great price for us too.

But the enjoyment of life gets taken away from some people.

One may bring you a smile. Then the same one takes the smile from your face. Adam lost the Garden. Then Samson lost his hair and eyes. While his hair grew back, he never recovered his eyes.

Sometimes, we are given tough choices.

Sometimes, things never turn out good.

The good in the evil is I have two kids. They are my favorite people in the world.

I have always valued my kids.

Yet, I would have been closer to God if I had stayed away from their mother.

Now people have not stopped robbing me.

So, errors are made.

Adam could not go back to the Garden and Samson could not get his eyesight back and I cannot recover what has been lost.

I think Adam was happier in the Garden.

I think Samson was happier while he had his eyesight.

I think I was happier before I lost my wealth.

Women have an influence on us.

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Posted : 31 May, 2024 03:45 AM

A wife of noble character, WHO CAN FIND? (Proverbs 31:10)

She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life. (Proverbs 31:12)

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Posted : 31 May, 2024 05:15 AM

WNT that's a tough and extreme marital situation and one that shouldn't have happened. Unfortunately some people are going to ignore our God given guide book and do what they want no matter who if hurts. Although most of my marriage was pleasant, in the end it was a nightmare that didn't have to happen. I only had one son whom I love dearly. But he was manipulated into hating me and I haven't had any contact with him since the divorce was forced upon me. It's likely I will pass from this earth without ever seeing him again.

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Posted : 31 May, 2024 09:15 AM

" Is it manipulation or the fact that when someone no longer wants they no longer want you.

And all the things they use to do say and feel towards you no longer apply…:-) "

Are you saying it's OK for someone to manipulate you because they no longer want you? Or do you mean that manipulation and someone no longer wanting you means the same thing? Please help me out here as I don't understand womanplaining.

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Posted : 31 May, 2024 08:31 PM

So I dated a chick and she had met me twice out my way. She was so nice, hours long conversations, sent me little things, love bombed me. Things seemed okay, tho she was getting a little weird. I fly out to see her and she not only not gives me a hug, she doesn't talk or look at me.

The next day she gives me 5 excuses why everything is my fault and I counter every one of them with what she said so I buy a ticket back home but can't leave for another day. We get to the airport and she wants to talk. I said what? You had a day and a half. So she talks me into staying and the same old happened so I said take me back two days later. Same thing again, talks me into staying. She accused me of playing games. Maybe I should have put this under "games"?Anyways the rest of the week was awkward and I was still miffed, while this was normal to her. I get she had issues, but her pain was self chosen. She reduced me to one text a day when I got home. I played the game for two weeks then told her what I felt, blocked her and sent all her stuff back. Dealing with this towards the holiday season wasn't going to help. She was the best and worst dates ever. Unreal.

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