Author Thread: Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..

Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 12:33 PM

I am a woman. Have been all my life...yeah!!!

Thought maybe you ladies would really, truthfully, like to tell a man about your likes, only, where men our concerned. I know they'll be looking here so here's your opportunity! Who knows, maybe they'll see something they like!


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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 03:45 PM

Do you want us to pick a character?

(Finger tapping on my chin:ROFL:)


:rocknroll:it over, I'll get back to you?


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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 06:27 PM

Please don't pick one of mine. I misspelled Count and already have a strike against me...It should be your thoughts...after all it's your name, not mine....:waving:


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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 16 Aug, 2008 08:19 PM

Wait, I can't pick one of the ones you mentioned.

"Oh me, Oh my, what should I do?" says my Eyore :toomuch:side.

"Just :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:" responds my Tigger side.

"Yet, the right and wisest course would be to find another cartoon to follow!" smoothly spoken by my owl :glow:side

"We haven't time, we haven't time, the gophers are eating my carrots, no time for that," Retorted my Rabbit :ribbit:side

" But what about me, what about me," whined my Piglet :goofball:side

Well, doesn't this just put us in a real dilly, perhaps it is time for a picnic of honey and pickles," calmly quoted my Winnie :eat:side.

OH WHERE! :dancingp:OH WHERE IS :dancingp:.........:hearts:CHRISTOPHER ROBINS :hearts:to hold me and :hearts:hug me and put my many sides in :hearts:order and :hearts:rest on a shelf or .....

Here's One for you! I will try to thunk, thunk, thunk of another one?



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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 17 Aug, 2008 04:47 AM

So you like the Christopher Robbins type? And just what type is that...? (For non-Pooh) followers....:hearts:


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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 17 Aug, 2008 05:07 AM

Let's see...Spiritually and first, a follower of Jesus Christ.

Looking at the other four posted I would have to say...Robin Hood type: An advocate for the poor and less fortunate, those in need of a hand up spiritually, emotionally, etc... Count of Monte Christo: A love to the end who counted the cost of the relationship and would do whatever to keep it alive. A little debonier (sp)and a whole lot protective(swashbuckling) keeping the "sword" in a ready state. Observant of his surroundings, and a rescurer of my heart. (Can you tell this is my favorite characteristic) Pooh: A whole lot of wisdom but a little silly. Tigger: Ready to bounce at a moments notice without thought to the outcome but just knowing that his feet will always land safely on the ground and his friends will be supportive. What can I say...What a mix of all characters in one man. Is he out there...? That is yet to be seen....:ribbit:


P.S. Come on ladies post! I know you're out there watching!

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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 17 Aug, 2008 07:46 AM

I am going to do this in order of desire: David, Isaiah, Peter, and Paul or Paul and Peter.

David: 50%Worshipper, warrior, king, a man after God's own heart. I think he'd love me.

Isaiah: 25% a prophet, a seer, lip touched by a coal of God, called to prophesy so much about our LORD Jesus and not as out there as Ezekiel I think he'd understand me.

Peter: 15% down to earth, courageous, fisher of man, he was sifted by Satan made mistakes and was called to comfort, feed, and restore others. I think he'd understand me.

Paul: 10% would mostly be last, his religious zeal and past jewish leadership might be scary at times if he is walking in the flesh, really Pharisee of the pharisees; and if (when) I step out of line by questioning or humbly speaking correction

(and we all know now, I will speak, in love,

but I will speak, even though I don't want to,

but I will speak because it burns in me like a fire for my LORD

and love and godly fear for my brethern to exhort,

encourage, instruct, and correct:

If you could only see my head hanging low at the truth about me;

truly, just like Elijah and Jonah I have run;

I have spent time not studying and avoiding the Word, so, it can't dwell in me but it does anyway;

Other times, I have been purposely bad to shake this attribute yet, sadly for me it remains.)

Kaboom with the rocks of accusations and insults. Yet, I know, regardless of this weakness, I am called to RESPECT and love him. If he had chosen to marry, I think he'd need me.



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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 18 Aug, 2008 05:30 PM

After observing the next post, I realize that some may have misunderstood what I was asking here. This post was suppose to be a way of truely looking at the positive views a woman had of a man. It was not meant to bash a guy. I wish others would have posted so it could have been informative for guys who were shy or afraid to approah a girl/woman. I thought that if a guy saw it from a woman's perspective it woud make it easier to understand some of the workings of a woman. (not all, by any means)

I don't apologize for what I posted about a man. It is truely how I feel. Men are unique and wonderful creatures who were slotted to be the covering over women. There are a lot of women out there just waiting for the mantle but are you prepared to throw it. them.

In Love, Robin

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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 18 Aug, 2008 09:47 PM

Other girls posting, it is the last weeks of summer, perhaps many are busy vacationing and getting ready for school?

Did I mess-up in my answer again? I thought I was answering with attributes of a man through the Biblical characters I chose? If I did, sorry I didn't mean to miss the mark again! I hope it didn't sound like I was male bashing? I was actually Susan bashing. I know me and many of my faults, so, at least, 10% of the time I need...

I believe the scriptures support my desire through the instructions to Husband:

:prayingf:to love (Ephesians 5:25-27)

:prayingf:and live with them with understanding or according to knowledge depending on version (1 Peter 3:7)

Wife: Respect (Ephesians 5:33)




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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 20 Aug, 2008 09:49 AM

No you did not mess up...I thought maybe I had messed up because of the next post. Sorry...


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Types, Robin Hood, The Conte of Monte Christo, Pooh, Tigger, etc..
Posted : 22 Aug, 2008 04:54 PM

I like a man that leads.I think that a man needs to take the first step in starting any relationship and they need to be the one that continues to lead. That is the role that God gave them and yet we women keep trying to be the leaders and men are all too happy, at times, to step back and let us go and make a fool of ourselves.

Are there any leaders on this site?


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