Author Thread: Any traditional women left?

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 23 Jul, 2024 04:19 PM

Is every woman an independent, sexy dressing, boss chick or do traditional modest ladies still exist?

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2024 10:07 AM

I would say no. The majority of women on here all have degrees in teaching, architecture, nursing, etc.. I can't find 1 that has any desire to commit to being a full time wife and mother. Looking for a traditional woman in the 21st century is like God looking for 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah or like a needle in a hay stack.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 31 Jul, 2024 07:34 PM

Have to agree there.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 6 Aug, 2024 05:22 PM

Yep, the idea is to find a woman who isn’t trying to prove her manhood

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 7 Aug, 2024 11:55 PM

Certainly there are a few... but many have not had any choice but to seek out education and careers. Many men no longer want to provide for a traditional woman. They demand she should be already set up in life with home, car, and good financial resources. In this process, a woman may either get broken or get tough. They may have given up any notion of being a cultivated lady; the younger ones may not even be aware of such a notion.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 06:53 AM

Ultimately, Proverbs 31

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 07:42 AM

regO07 you're a perfect example of a woman that at your age should no better, and yet you have fallen hook, line and sinker for feminism and the associated blather that women cook up because of it.

What you're doing is projecting what women want and expect onto men. Very few men in the world want what you described from a women. Men are however realistic and understand that the way some parts of the world are set up along with peoples desire for material things. Usually means women have to carry some of the financial load.

I've heard the exact same nonsense you wrote from many women online which just reinforces my belief that God put men over women for this and many other reasons. Men went against God's word and gave women power they were never equipped for. Now we are seeing the results of it and it ain't looking good.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 08:24 AM


regO07 you're a perfect example of a woman that at your age should KNOW better,

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 09:23 AM

It is the times, and society plays a big part in the paths we take. The educational system dumbs us down and directs us to further education and a quarter of our lives is spent in school. Then there is the effort to make worth of that education. But women are taught from the time they are little the ideas of being career women and following a dream and putting off marriage and putting off family. Then when they get to 40, it no longer matters. They missed their window of opportunity and the career life dissatisfied them and they chose career over children and career over husband and limiting numbers of children or abortion, because others told them they have the right. So, we have all been misguided. We have all been misdirected. The Bible speaks of the empty way of life that is passed on to us. (1 Peter 1:18) And Ecclesiastes speaks of our worthless pursuits. There are a lot of movements that influence our thinking and schools influence our path. I think that many don't like the influences. So, there is a mess to deal with. Some then improvise. Tamar improvised for not having a husband and Judah improvised for not having a wife. (Genesis 38) But are in the genealogy of Jesus. This day and age, we have to improvise if we ever want to have kids. For whatever life-style choices we make, we all compromise and improvise and then are opportunity is through. Life is short. Life is a breath. And what did we accomplish in the few seconds we are given? What did we even want out of life?

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 11:28 AM

Hello Handyman, wow, what an incredibly rude reaction. Yes, I should've known by your post title that you had already made up your mind to hate women. How can you claim to seek to know with such a stance as that?

Furthermore, you appear to be blind to an actual lady in your midst; and your refusal to treat her as such is something for you to ponder.


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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 12:02 PM


Yes there traditional women out there online and not online somewhere. However, that does not mean you will get one.

Most women are selective too just like many men are selective

Unrealistic Expectation usually keep people single.

Maybe that is best , staying single when you cannot find exactly what you are seeking in a partner.

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