Author Thread: Any traditional women left?

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 23 Jul, 2024 04:19 PM

Is every woman an independent, sexy dressing, boss chick or do traditional modest ladies still exist?

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 12:23 PM

rego07 To answer your question most women such as yourself view brutal honesty about women as hate for them. But on the contrary I love everyone including women and it's my honesty that proves my love. I choose to be real rather than fill peoples heads with false compliments and tolerance of their bad decisions and behaviors.

You said some pretty foolish and inaccurate things and I responded to them, and in turn you interpret that as not treating you like a lady. Where does God say that confronting a women about statements she made means she's not being treated as a lady?

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 07:08 PM

Moonlight may be right about staying single when you can't find a match.

"Maybe that is best , staying single when you cannot find exactly what you are seeking in a partner."

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 8 Aug, 2024 07:24 PM

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and on blogs, we share our opinions. Women blame men and men blame women.

I do not know that traditional women exist anymore and if there are any traditional women these days, they are not of the same as they were over a hundred years ago. So, how they would be defined would be changed and we would have a "Neo-Traditional" and "Modern-Traditional". I do not think that people can agree on what a Traditional woman is. And I do not think Traditional women are defined by Proverbs 31:10-31 at all or in the least.

A Traditional woman these days would probably marry, divorce, then marry again and divorce again, and marry and divorce again and again. It is a new tradition.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2024 08:06 AM

reg0o7, hope you continue to post. I

read about your Reformed theological outlook and would like to hear more from you.

I haven’t had opertunity to read many of your posts but agree or disagree I hope to have a chance to read more. You are very articulate and I hope you haven’t stated a final farewell to discussing on the forums.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 11 Aug, 2024 06:05 PM

What type of man is he that wants a traditional woman and what kind of husband would he be, that would be good questions.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2024 02:03 AM

I think it depends on the stage people are in their life having done the traditional stay at home with children thing in my 20s/30s I’ve no interest.

I work full time and would expect my partner to do the same & we both pull our weight with regards to house hold expenses & upkeep…:-)

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2024 02:11 AM

To the op I’m hoping that if you’re seeking a traditional woman that you’re a traditional man. Meaning that you’ve got your money up sufficiently that you could afford for your wife not to have to work outside the home…:-)

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2024 11:12 AM

Moonlight, the op clearly defined “traditional” as an independent, sexy dressing, boss chick.

Based on your glib response, it appears you believe a “…sexy dressing boss chick”, is the new normal?

I agree with JZ, if a husband and wife agree to having careers outside the home, then it would seem both have an equal obligation to share household responsibilities.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2024 11:13 AM

Moonlight, the op clearly defined “traditional” as an independent, sexy dressing, boss chick.

Based on your glib response, it appears you believe a “…sexy dressing boss chick”, is the new normal?

I agree with JZ, if a husband and wife agree to having careers outside the home, then it would seem both have an equal obligation to share household responsibilities.

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Any traditional women left?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2024 12:12 PM

LD I was addressing OP not you .

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