Author Thread: Can true love conquer?

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 13 May, 2024 03:56 PM

I had a "spirited" conversation (or two 🙄) last year with a woman who was a know it all about relationships. She thought research and a piece of paper made her wise. I countered with common sense and Biblical knowledge. I may post more, but can true love conquer all, or your differences (depending on the severity of course)? Any examples?

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 09:55 AM

All men definitely don't think alike. Neither do All Women.

It's wonderful to have men that love and Appreciate Women on Any Dating site.

Most people on a Dating site message those they are interested in for friendships/ dating/marriage.

Those not interested maybe should Choose not to be on One.

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 09:59 AM


On Ask a girl topics

Many Women wouldn't like posting where Men are insulting Women.

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 01:33 PM

FYI moonbeam speaking truth about men and women is not insulting and rbj66 has opened up the discussion to everybody.

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2024 04:12 PM

@ rjb

When a Man is bitter from a divorce it is very easily seen. Even though some are mistreated they seem to be able to move on and move pass it. Not degrading all women.

I do not know you but you seem just by posting you may be a man that can move pass it.


That is how divorced Men can move forward and be happy.

I have dated nice divorced Men, I do not know what all happen to them because they rarely shared. If I was getting married to them, I would be More concerned. haha

All women are definately not the Same.

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2024 04:21 PM

@ rbj66


True love can conquer all, however, many Couples do not have that.

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Can true love conquer?
Posted : 30 Jul, 2024 11:42 AM,in%20the%20Kingdom%20of%20God.%20...%20More%20items

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