Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. 1 I received a notification that someone messaged, winked, viewed or favorited me however, when I login to check, there is nothing there!
Scammers are a very unfortunate element of the online dating world and we work very, very hard to eliminate them from the CDFF community. We actually monitor all registrations and all member activity day and night, 365 days a year!
Even though we catch and ban many of these scammers, on occasion one or two may sneak through. Or, the scammer may appear to be somewhat legitimate and we give them the benefit of the doubt for a short time.
If this happens, that scammer is able to view profiles or send a few private messages or winks before we retroactively ban the person.
When we ban them, all of the scammer's messages and winks are deleted with them so that you will not be bothered with their message or winks and so that you will have no chance of being scammed (many times they try to include their "personal" contact information including their email address so that they can get you outside of our protected environment).
Our ultimate goal is to protect you from these people and to protect the sanctity, security and safety of your CDFF Community.
We apologize for the confusion that this may create but we hope that you understand.
Q. 2 How are My Matches determined for me?
When you click on My Matches you will see some profiles that we think would be good for you based on your location as well as what you have selected in your "Account Settings".
For example, if you have set your preferred age range as 28 to 42 then you will see profiles of people in this age range - but ONLY those who desire YOUR age.
Any options that you have chosen to block from contacting you such as smokes or drinks or lives outside of your country will not appear on your My Matches list.
Q. 3 How do I add/delete photos?
You can upload up to 8 photos to your profile. They each need to be in a JPG, BMP or GIF format.
To add or delete photos on your profile click on the “My Photos” button. To add click on the “Browse” button and select your photo.
You have the option for your photo to “Show on Profile” or “Private Image”. “Show on Profile” will allow everyone that sees your profile to see this image. “Private Image” keeps your photo hidden from your profile but you will have the option to add it to a Private Message, making it only visible to those that you choose to send it to.
Choose which photo you would like to be your “Main Image”. This is the image that everyone will see when they do a search and find your profile. When they click on the profile they will see the other images you put on there.
To delete your photo click on "Delete Image" that is next to the photo you would like to remove.
Q. 4 I can't seem to get my photo uploaded to my profile no matter what I try.
Can you do it for me?
Just email your photo to [email protected] and we will be glad to resize, reformat, crop and do whatever it takes to get your photo on your profile for you.
Sorry, we do not accept your photos via snail mail / the US Mail Postal Service.
Q. 5 How do I edit my profile?
Q. 6 How do I close my account?
Q. 7 How do I reactivate my account?
Q. 8 Could you please explain the Account Settings feature?
“Account Settings” lets you filter who can contact you and manage your email notifications.
You can customize your settings so that ONLY certain people can contact you. For example, if you don't want someone that smokes to contact you, click on the “Smoke” box which will block anyone that smokes from contacting you. If you only want Men between the ages of 45 to 55 to be able to contact you simply choose the numbers “45” and “55” in the “Age Between” boxes.
What you choose here will combine with the information on your Profile in order to find out what people are the right matches for you and create your "My Matches".
In your "Account Settings" you will also find the options to choose if you would like to be notified when someone has sent you a Private Message, Wink or has added you to their Favorites list.
Q. 9 What do I do if I suspect someone is a con-artist or scammer?
There are plenty of lousy people out there that try to exploit the generosity and kindness of others. We think this is the lowest kind of betrayal and guard our CDFF registered members as best we can. However, we cannot keep all of these nuisances out all of the time.
If you suspect that someone is trying to con you or someone else, if someone has asked you to send money, if someone is trying to sell you something or promote a product or a website, we encourage you to CONTACT US and let us know. We want to minimize this kind of intrusion to our Community and appreciate any tips we get from our members.
Let us know their Username and what their words/actions were that you feel were a violation of our terms and conditions when you submit your comments.
Q. 10 How accurate is the "Online Now" notification when I see it on a profile?
The "Online Now" will go away the moment they log off.
However, if for example they close the website window by clicking the X at the top right- without Logging Off first- then we can have no way of knowing that they wanted to log off.
In this case, the "Online Now" will continue to appear for 1 hour. At that point, since there is no activity by the member, the user will be logged off.
So essentially, there are certain circumstances where it will appear that the user has the "Online Now" notification on their profile but they are not actually online.
Most of the time though, people who have the "Online Notification" are actually logged in and online.
Q. 11 I cannot login with my username and password. What am I doing wrong?
If you cannot login with your username and password, please first recheck your username and password for CDFF. Many times we have so many usernames and passwords around the internet that we sometimes confuse one sites username/password with another.
If you are certain this is your username and password, make sure that you have typed in the right case for each letter. If you used a capital A in your username and you accidentally type in a lowercase a, you wont be able to login.
Finally, if everything is correct, Click HERE to go to a page that will allow you to enter your email address and we will resend your username and password to you.
If nothing checks out even after all this, your account may have been deleted by CDFF The reasons for being deleted are:
- You must be 18 or over to use CDFF
- You have used inappropriate language in your profile or communications with others
- You have uploaded inappropriate images in your profile or in messages to others
- You have been identified as someone who is trying to take advantage of the CDFF Community
- You have tried to sell things to members or tried to promote your website/product
- We have received multiple complaints/negative reports about you and your behavior
- You have been identified as a spammer, con-artist or escort
If you have been erroneously identified as any of the above by our screening process we sincerely apologize and welcome you to re-register. We just want to err on the side of caution and protect our Christian Dating Community the best we can. There are a lot of troublemakers out there on the internet.
Q. 12 I have forgotten my password. Can you send it to me?
Q. 13 What is the Favorites area for?
When you are spending time on CDFF you will see quite a few personal profiles. As you look at these personal profiles you may find some that interest you more than others.
If you would like to make a record of these Favorite profiles and keep them in a list to see later, go to a profile and look a the top right of the profile page. At the top right of each personal profile you will see a button that says Add to Favorites.
Click on this button and the members profile will automatically be added to your Favorites.
Now you can actually even see who added YOU to THEIR favorites! Click on the button in the favorites section to see who has added you!
Q. 14 I never got My Activation Email after I finished Registration. What's the deal?
Here are some possible scenarios why you have not received your activation email:
-You did not get entirely through the registration process- In order to get the activation email sent to you, you must get to the final page that notifies you that you are successfully registered and that you should check your email.
-The email address you registered with is not the same one you are checking.
-The email address is a yahoo or other free email address- sometimes these email servers take up to an hour or two to receive mail depending on the server load. Your activation email should be in your inbox instantly or within a few minutes but these hour or two long delays have been known to happen.
-You have actually received your activation email but it has been delivered to your spam folder. Please check your spam folder to see if it went there. Sometimes this folder is called the “Junk Folder” or “Bulk Folder”.
-You have not received your email because it never got through to you (for one reason or another- Yahoo, AOL and others can make it difficult sometimes but they are just trying to make it harder for spammers to get through to you, we can appreciate that). If this is the case, Please CLICK HERE and enter your email address in order to have a very basic version of the activation email sent to you.
Q. 15 I am trying to get into the chat rooms however I am having problems or getting an error message. What can I do?
Before you clear your cache and cookies for the first time, close all of your browsers, then open up a new one.
For Internet Explorer users: 1. Click on “Tools” 2. Select “Internet Options” from the drop-down menu 3. Click on the “Delete” button in the section for Browsing History 4. Click the buttons to “Delete files…” and “Delete cookies…” or click on the “Delete all” button 5. Click “Yes” in the confirmation dialog box
For Safari users: 1. From the Safari menu, click “Empty Cache”. 2. When asked Are you sure you want to empty the cache?, click “Empty”. 3. From the Safari menu, click “Preferences”. 4. From the Security dialog box, click “Bookmarks”. 5. Click “Show Cookies”. 6. From the Cookie dialog box, and click “Remove All”.
Q. 16 When I block a user does it only mean that they are blocked from contacting me? Or does it mean that they are also no longer able to see my profile?
Q. 17 What is Elevate and why should I Elevate my account?
Elevate members can have a more enjoyable experience on CDFF with added features such as:
1. Never see a single ad on CDFF so that you can focus on finding someone special with fewer distractions.
2. The ability to view all members last login dates, giving you peace of mind that the person you wrote to was on recently.
3. Get noticed - Your profile will show at the top of Basic and Advance Searches, which means more views and contacts for you.
Elevate your account today by clicking Here and increase your chances of finding someone special sooner.
Q. 18 What is your refund policy and how do I cancel my Elevate subscription?
We apologize but we do not offer exchanges or refunds for Elevate subscriptions but you are able to cancel at anytime.
To cancel your Elevate subscription please follow the steps below:
If you are using a credit card and on a desktop/laptop (you did not upgrade through one of our apps), you simply go to your Account Settings and click on the link that says click here to let your upgrade expire.
If you paid via Google Play:
1. Launch the Google Play Store app.
2. Tap Menu -> My Apps -> Subscriptions and tap on the CDFF app Elevate subscription to cancel.
3. Alternatively, tap Menu -> My Apps -> Tap on the CDFF app Elevate subscription to cancel -> Tap the app's details page.
4. Tap Cancel and Yes to confirm the cancellation.
5. The status of your CDFF Elevate subscription will change from Subscribed to Canceled.
If you paid via App Store:
1. Go to Settings > iTunes & App Store.
2. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen.
3. Tap View Apple ID. You might need to sign in or use Touch ID.
4. Tap Subscriptions.
5. Tap the CDFF Elevate subscription to manage
6. Use the options to manage your subscription
Your subscription will be canceled for you but you will still have access to the Elevate features until the completion of your subscription. At that time your CDFF account will revert back to a Basic account.
Q. 19 How can I change my Username?
Q. 20 Does CDFF do background checks on members?
No, CDFF does not conduct a criminal background check or screening for its members. We constantly monitor profiles, activity and communications for indecent language and correspondence but we must ask that all members use caution when meeting others online and offline. If you want to know more about a member before you meet them, we recommend that you find a reputable background screening company.
There are many 3rd party background check services that will provide you with screening services for individuals. These services are usually not free and can vary in cost depending on how much information you are seeking.
You are ultimately responsible for your personal safety and we pray that you will meet others and find everlasting love in a way that is responsible. These are new times where we can find wonderful, quality individuals from around the world with just the click of a mouse. However love can be blind, as they say, which is why we recommend that you spend the time and perhaps the money to really know more about a person. We are happy that we can provide so much in the dating world for absolutely no charge but you would be wise to take the extra step and really find out more about your potential love and do a background check before getting serious.
There are of course limitations to what background and sex offender screenings can provide so remember that no checks will guarantee a member’s safety. Do not rely on screening services to guarantee your safety. It is just a tool to give you a better picture of an individual.
Please always remain vigilant as to your safety and practice appropriate safety precautions.
Thank you for being safe and we hope that you find the love of your life.
Q. 21 I'd like to advertise my business on CDFF. How can my text ad or banner ad show up in the ad space that I see on the pages of
Our demographic is a very specific one which responds very well to those who support Christian values. CDFF uses Google Adsense exclusively and shows ads that go through the Google Ad Display Network. Sites are often filtered out because CDFF doesn’t always feel all their ads are appropriate. However, with the ability to filter out inappropriate ads, Google Adsense has proven to be a very good source to support the site and keep it free for members.
If you are interested in advertising on you will need a Google AdWords account. Then you will use “Managed Placements” in order to add to your list of desired websites. Essentially you are choosing to “place” your ad on our site. Google’s Display Network has many websites but you will be doing “placement targeting” on specifically. Here is a great place to start as it explains about “Managed Placements”: Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems or issues with advertising on CDFF. Again we greatly appreciate your support and hope to deliver lots of quality visitors to your business website!
Q. 22 I entered my date of birth incorrectly by accident when registering, how can I change it?
Q. 23 I have moved to a different country, how can I update my new location?
Q. 24 I am applying for a visa, I-129F Petition for Alien Fianc�(e), and I need to prove CDFF is not a marriage broker site.
When answering question 35 on the Petition for Alien Fiancé(e): Did you meet your fiancé(e) or spouse through the services of an international marriage broker? You will answer No. is NOT an international marriage broker site. We are a free dating site that does not ask for payment information to be a member or use our general sites features.
The I-129F instructions, page 2, Requirements and Documents states:
The term “international marriage broker” means a corporation, partnership, business, individual, or other legal entity, whether or not organized under any law of the United States, that charges fees for providing dating, matrimonial, matchmaking services, or social referrals between United States citizens or nationals or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States as lawful permanent residents and foreign national clients.
If you still need additional documentation we can email a statement to you. Please send a request to [email protected]. Subject line: Statement Request For Visa Application. In the body of the email you will need to provide you and your fiancé first and last names and both of your CDFF usernames. *Note, that if you do not remember your CDFF Username please provide the email address that you registered your CDFF account with.
Q. 25 What is your company contact info?
[email protected]
E Dating For Free, Inc.
20929 Ventura Blvd., Suite 47362
Woodland Hills, CA 91364