
J.S. Mar 29, 2008

I met my life partner on here!!!

Thank you so...much!!!

We would like to know how we can put up a picture of us and a success story on how the Lord put our lives together to give others hope.

Thank you again for setting this site up. God is in this for sure!!!

Blessings to all of you who have and are working on this site.

C.T. Mar 28, 2008

I found the woman who was the perfect will of God for my life here.

Thank You Father God in Jesus name. AMEN!!!!

G.G. Mar 28, 2008

I have met a very special person on this website..thank you so much!

Blessings to each of you for help making this happen.

M.S. Mar 28, 2008

Thanks for making this site available.

It's allowed me to meet someone very special.

T.M. Mar 27, 2008

I have found a nice woman from San Diego.

J.O. Mar 27, 2008

I have found a friend and i am trying to see how it will work out for us.

Thanks much for your kind co-operation.

Keep up the good works you folks are doing and god bless you all.

B.B. Mar 27, 2008

I found my match on your SITE!

H.B. Mar 27, 2008

I met a man named Daniel through the site.

I really like him a lot.

He's an amazing man of God and I feel things for him I didn't think were possible for me anymore!

T.F. Mar 23, 2008

I have found my husband thru your service!

God Bless you.

W.B. Mar 19, 2008

I found the love of my life!
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